Chapter 22 (<3)

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His Love

Disclaimer: This chapter mostly consists of smut. If you are uncomfortable with smut related chapters, skip to Chapter 23, where the story progresses as normal.

Future chapters that contain genuine or consists of mostly smut will be labeled with a (<3).

• • • < 3 • • •

Once we finally entered our room, and Kazuha closed the door, I set my sword against the wall and stretched.

"Hmm.." I groaned as I stretch my arms in the air. Kazuha snuck up behind and wrapped his arms around me, placing his head near my neck.

"Kazuha..?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Will you stay quiet..?" He asked hesitantly and quiet, as if he's unsure what to say. "We don't want to disrupt the other people here... right..?"

I lowered my hands around his arms. "Huh?" I said, confused. But after a moment, his mouth met my neck.

The sudden warmth of his mouth, and the feeling of his tongue rubbing against my skin suddenly made me gasp, and I placed one of my hands over my mouth.

"Mmn.." Kazuha slightly moaned has he pulled out, and went to my collarbone.

"Ah-..!" I gasped at his sudden move, his grip on me becomes tighter, as he pulled me closer to him.

He pulled away, and turned to face me.

"I-I'm sorry.. Is now not the good time..?" He asked, the faint gleam of lust was in his eyes.

"N-No.." I said, my eyelids half down. "P-Please... Continue.." I sighed out under my breath. Kazuha nodded, and gently lifted my chin up to his face.

We both leaned into a kiss, and I desired his touch. His hands on my body, his soft groans, and myself for him. I needed him.

My quiet moans melted into the kiss as I twist my body to face his, and Kazuha stumbles onto the bed.

I landed on top of him, my hands wrapping around his neck. I slowly parted away for air, and both of our pantings filled the room quickly.

"Are you.. sure..?" Kazuha smiled gently at me, but I could already feel something poking at my area.

I nodded, and leaned back next to him. "Are you..?" I asked slowly, playing his hair with my hands. "You don't.. have to.." I sighed out.

Kazuha nodded, and started to grab the hem of my shirt, pulling it off my body, and throwing it off the bed.

The immediate rush of cold air touching my exposed skin sent a shiver down my body, but was covered by Kazuha getting on top of me, slowly and gently kibbling at the base of my neck.

I whimpered as my unsteady hands tried to lift Kauzha's shirt off. He pulled away and grinned at me, chuckling.

"Not yet (Y/N).~" He said in a teasing manner.

Kazuha slowly grabbed one of my breasts, even through my bra was still on, and started to massage it, playing around with the pressure.

"A-Ah~" I muffled a moan into my mouth, and heat started to quickly build up inside me.

Kazuha leans over and starts to bite on my shoulder, quietly moaning in the process. He makes his way down to my chest, leaving a trail of saliva where his mouth was, and finally parted from my body.

•Your Guide, Your Love• (Kazuha x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now