Chapter 3

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Crimson Eyes, Autumn Skys

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The wanderer chuckled. "Yes, indeed, it was a stray."

"So, who's the new kid?" The crimson eyed man examined me, and looked back at the wanderer.

"This is...." He started to say, but instead of finishing the sentence, he looked at me.

Oh yeah, I forgot. I never actually introduced myself to him.

"I'm (Y/N)," I started to say, "(Y/N) (L/N)."

"Ah, I see." He nodded. "You're who I saw on the recently put up posters on my way here."

"They already put up posters of me?!" I said out of shock. "What picture are they even using of me??"

"Actually, it's just a sketch of you described by your family." He explained.

"What?!" As if I couldn't be in more shock. "My family just- disowns me like that?!"

He nods. "It was described on the poster how you were a traitor," The man takes a deep sigh. "But it seems to me you're not the person they describe you to be."

"How do you even know?" I asked.

"I can smell it. You're not a traitor, but rather someone with-" He started to say with a smile, but the wanderer interrupted us.

"O-oh-kay!" He nudges the cream haired man with his elbow. "Why don't we continue introducing to each other instead of smelling the new kid, alright?"


The man's face flushed a light pink by that statement, but goes away once he clears his throat.

"My name is Kaedehara Kazuha. I am a wanderer and samurai in Inazuma, along with my friend, his name is-" He said with a calm face, but the wanderer interrupts him again.

"You can just call me Tomo." He says, smiling.

"Tomo and Kazuha huh?" I whispered to myself. Both wanderers, both samurais.

"I... I also I want to become a samurai and wanderer." I said determinedly. They looked at me with shocked faces, but Tomo laughs.

It doesn't seem like a mocking laugh, but more so like an encouraging one. Although, I'm not entirely sure.

"Of course! We can train you once you get some rest. I'm sure you're tired from the journey from the city to Chinju Forest." He looks over at Kazuha.

"Has your journey gone with any troubles?" He asked.

Kazuha shook his head. "Not necessarily. I only stayed around longer as the posters looked interesting, but left as soon as a soldier noticed me."

"Alright. Let's head off again." Tomo stretches.

"What? Again?" I asked suddenly. "Can't we take a longer break?"

"Unfortunately, we can't." Tomo shook his head. "Now we have a fugitive in our hands, we should get you to a safe place before we can rest comfortably."

He looked at Kazuha, who's eyes widened, and faced flushed with a light pink tone.

"Don't you-" Kazuha started to say, holding up his hands up to his face.

"Kazuha will carry you if you're tired to walk, or if you're legs go sore. My back needs a bit of a break as well." He says, stretching again, hearing a crack as he does that.

"Tomo..!" Kazuha groaned in annoyance, but I could only laugh at his expression.

"Don't worry! She's not as heavy as you think she is. She's more light than she looks." He said so casually, that I look away in embarrassment until Kazuha replies.

"It's not that-! It's-" He stutters, his pink growing more red in embarrassment. Tomo laughs.

"I'm just playing with you two. I'll carry you instead, (Y/N)." He spares both of us from any more embarrassment. However, I couldn't help but to think that he was also trying to embarrassment each other.

I sigh in relief, and nods. "I'll rest for tonight, since the sun's already down."

"Alrighty then, let's head off." He says, suddenly swooping me off the ground with one swoosh.

"Ah-!" I screamed a bit in surprise. What happened with being gentle?!

"Tomo! Be careful!" Kazuha said, a bit panicky.

"Don't worry, I'm good." I held out a thumbs up. I think.

I saw Kazuha nod, and I relax my body as before. Once I had, Tomo started to walk, and Kazuha followed behind.

I watched at the surrounding scenery slowly passing by, and tried to count the stars to make myself more sleepy.

I close my eyes, and listen to the steady footsteps the two are making.

They are in unison, but sounding more like a casual walk. Slow and steady.

Is Tomo doing this to rest? Or to try to get me as comfortable as he can?

Before long, I fell sleep.

. . .

"So.." I heard someone speak. But I was still to tired to care, or to tell who was speaking.



I heard laugher.


I opened my eyes in frustration, trying to wake myself up with force, to try and understand what was going on.

"Whatever you say Kaz, whatever you say." Tomo chuckled.


"Hmmm... There." I saw Kazuha point somewhere, but I couldn't make out exactly where.

Tomo nodded, and both headed off in the direction.

"Oh-! Morning (Y/N)." Tomo said as he looked down at me, smiling.

I rubbed my eyes a bit, trying to get in the new scenery I haven't seen before.

"M-Morning.." I replied.

"It's good you woke up now, as we're here to take another rest before we reach our home." Kazuha said behind me.

Tomo gently sets me down, but as I stand, a small ache starts growing on both of my legs.

I groaned in annoyance, knowing that I would have to take at least a weeks rest for the soreness to fully go away.

"You alright (Y/N)?" Kazuha says over me, placing his arm over my shoulder.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine, just a bit sore-" I said, but Tomo immediately interrupted me.

"Guys, we have a problem." He says, looking behind us.

It didn't take long to realize what could've been happening, as I could tell by the sternness of the voice, and how demanding it could be.

"Halt! Hand over the fugitive now, or else we'll have to use force, and you will be charged for helping a traitor in Inazuma." One man of the Shogun's army said.

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