Chapter 14

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Familiar Foe

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- Kazuha's POV

"(Y/N)!" They shouted in surprise. "I- Y- You-" Bee stuttered in surprise.

"Bee!!" (Y/N) leaped from the table to hug them, almost knocking over the soup. They hugged her back, but their expression still shows the same shock as before.

"You're dead-!?" Bee pulls away from the hug, and looked at (Y/N), understandably baffled.

(Y/N) shook her head. "I never actually died back then. But I'm going to be dead soon if I get caught."

"You two know each other..?" I raise my eyebrow, and looked at Bee, trying to sense any danger from them, but they seemed too shocked to evaluate.

"Y-Yeah!" Bee exclaimed, clearing their throat, turning to me. "(Y/N) and her mother used to visit every year, and we would meet up somewhere in Ritou."

"That was until.." Their voice trailed off, and looked at (Y/N) in concern. She nodded, confirming Bee's thoughts.

I see... So they knew each other for a while now..

"Oh-! I heard what went on in Inazuma City!!" They started to shake (Y/N), who was laughing at their reaction.

"How the hell aren't you dead yet?!?" They exclaimed. But for a second, I saw (Y/N) flinch in pain, and I realized it was the wound.

"Hey. Knock it off." I interrupted the two, who which Bee lets go of her, and gently pats her on her shoulder. (Y/N) smiled at me, I gave her a small one in return.

But, now that Bee's shock has gone down, I check them again. I evaluate their scent, trying to get down to every detail about their intentions.

Besides smelling of the sea, salt, and meat from cooking in the restaurant, I noticed something else about them.

Suddenly, the realization hits like lightning.

- Reader's POV -

Once the sharp pain had gone away, I noticed Bee staring at my vision on my pant.

"When did you get that?" They pointed curiously, staring at every curve and detail at it.

"Just a few days ago, at the city." I explained. I noticed Kazuha intertwining his fingers with mine, and so I grab his hand graciously. It was with my burnt hand, so I couldn't grip as hard as I wanted to.

"I see, I see..." They rubbed their chin with their hands, and an idea popped up on their head.

"I know! Why don't you stay over at my house for a bit? Until things die down?" They suggested.

I looked at Kazuha, expecting him to nod, but instead he stares at them, as if he's repulsed by their presence here. His grip tightens slightly, but I tried to ignore it.

"Of course!" I exclaimed. "Thank you so much again Bee!" I let go of Kazuha's grip, and tightly hugged Bee, who they returned back graciously.

"Alright! Meet me at our spot!" They waved, and headed back to the kitchen. I waved back, and sat back down next to Kazuha.

"Mmm..." I mumbled, wrapping my arms around his chest, and laying my head on his shoulder. He hesitantly does the same, allowing his arms to rest on me.

"Is.. something wrong?" I asked, keeping note of his reactions at Bee.

"Nothing..." He said, grabbing the chirirenge full of soup, and slurped it.

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