Chapter 8

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Finally, Peace

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Why were they shouting again?

I couldn't tell what was happening anymore. But the burning feeling in my chest grew ever so larger.

Even though my vision started to become hazy, I placed my hands where the pain was originating.

What is... this??

I felt something long and thin, coming out of my chest. I moved my hand lower, and felt a warm, somewhat slippery liquid.

"I've... been shot..." I said out loud. I remember now. I've been shot by an arrow.

Kazuha and Tomo... They saved me. I forced a small smile from the thought. They cared about me.

"Hang in there (Y/N)..." I heard Tomo faintly say over the ringing.

"Don't you dare make us lose you!" Someone else, who I assumed to be Kazuha, shouted out. I tried to let out a smile.

After that, my track of what was going on left me, and I felt the dread of sleep catching up to me.

I closed my eyes, and let my mind wander off to something else.

- Third Person POV -

Sara squinted, trying to aim at the moving target. Tomo realized this, and tried to make his movements as chaotic as possible, while also trying to be gentle with (Y/N).

Immediately, as she let go of the arrow, it moved at lighting speed, piercing it's target. She smiles at herself after hearing the agonizing screams of the target.

There's no way she'd be able to survive that shot.

Tomo flinched at the scream, and the look of (Y/N). Her wound and clothes started to stain with blood, and so, he set her leaning against a tree in the forest.

"I've... been shot..." She faintly said, placing a hand on her wound. Kazuha and Tomo gathered around her body.

"Hang in there (Y/N)!" Tomo shouted, trying his best to keep her awake.

"Don't you dare make us lose you!" Kazuha cried out. (Y/N) smiled a brief smile at Kazuha, but they quickly closed.

Kazuha ripped off a piece and a strip from his clothing, and carefully but quickly pulled out the arrow from (Y/N)'s chest.

"Careful Kazuha..." Tomo mumbled as he held her hand, softly rubbing them.

Kazuha lifted up her shirt, and carefully patched up the hole, and securing it with the strip of cloth.

"This will slow down the bleeding, but not completely stop it." He says as he stands up. "Come on, we need to get back as quickly as possible." He wanted her to survive.

Even though it was obvious (Y/N) is close to death, he's trying to save her.

Tomo caught up to what he was doing, and nodded. "Alright, lets head off."

. . .

- Reader's POV -

Am I dead? Have I died yet? Or, am I still clinging onto live...?

I, can't tell.

I opened my eyes, expecting to see the light, or just nothing, but I was surprised to find the ceiling of the house.

I'm... Here again...?

I tried to sit myself up, but from the pain of my wound, I gave up. I carefully turned over, so I was facing a section in Kazuha's room.

They, Kazuha....

I placed my hand on my head, more confused than ever.

How did they save me? It, was a fatal shot..

Slowly and carefully, I lifted up my shirt, revealing my bandaged stomach. I placed my hand on it, which didn't hurt as much, but still gave me a deep ache.

The door opened, and I looked over, which was Kazuha, but he had more of a casual look.

"Ah! You're awake!" He rushed over to the bedside and placed his hand on my head.

We both smiled at each other, knowing that somehow, I lived.

"At first, I was still unsure if you'd wake up, but still, I'm glad you made it." He said with glossy eyes.

"I thought so too," I said, smiling at him. "Thank you, for everything." Leaning over, I tried to hug him, but flinched when my wound started to hurt from the movement.

He gently pushed me back onto the bed. "You can't move around much as your wound is still recovering." Kazuha places a hand on my shoulder.

I felt my face flush in red in embarrassment. "T-Thank you."

He gently laughed, and smiled. "Of course."

He walked over to the other side of the bed, and got himself in the bed, burying himself in with the blanket.

Only his fluffy hair, and part of his face remained open.

"You know, at first I thought I would sleeping on the floor when you said I was going to sleep in your room." I sighed.

"I wouldn't want an injured person sleep on the cold floor as I sleep on a comfortable bed." He said, muffled under the blanket.

I sighed, and made my way over to him. He still had the same scent as the room. I cuddled my head next to his chest, and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"W-What are you-" He grunted, but I quickly interrupted him.

"Shush. I wanna sleep like this." I said, trying to take in his warmth of his body.

Kazuha sighed, and slowly caressed my head.

"Whatever you say."

As I glanced over his face, I could've sworn that his face was flushed red.

I smiled, and relaxed my body.

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