Chapter 31

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Once Again Back

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The ramp dropped down to the dock, as well as the anchor.

"Ahh... It feels good to be back.." Beidou sighs and stretches out as she walks down. Kazuha and I follow behind.

"I don't know about you, but I'm starving for some real food." She grinned, and pointed at the nearby restaurant. The aroma smelled amazing, better than I remembered it a few weeks ago.

"Wanna come along?" Beidou invited us.

"Well.." I took the thought into consideration. But after all the rations we ate during the whole month, I was desperate for a proper meal.

I nodded in response.

"Sure, I see no harm." Kazuha replied.

We three all sat ourselves at a table, and the waiter handed us a menu.

"I'm surprised someone hasn't recognized us yet." I looked around, and saw people chatting around as usual.

Didn't their archon die? How are they acting like nothing happened??

"Maybe something happened, like Rex Lapis maybe didn't die?" She raised an eyebrow.

"What would you three like to order?" The waiter walked up to us, interrupting the conversation before I could reply.

"Ah, something hot and warm, anything that floats my boat." Beidou grinned. I couldn't tell if that pun was intended.

"Alright.." The person wrote something down. "How about you two?"

"Uhm, what ever the chef feels like making." I sad, and the waiter wrote down more.

"Anything else?" They looked at all of us. I expected things to be quiet, and the person go away, but the same question seemed to have been bugging Kazuha too.

"What happened to the Geo... Rex Lapis?" He asked, apparently shocking the waiter.

"You haven't heard?!" They almost dropped the paper. "Rex Lapis died, and this weird ocean monster was going to flood all of Liyue!"

Wait, Ocean Monster?!

"Thank the Archons the Adeptus was able to help us, and the traveler." The waiter breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wait, you mean, that traveler?" Beidou asked, looking surprised.

"Well, the one with blonde hair, yes!" The waiter nodded in response. "Though, the other two who were thought to kill Rex Lapis are still wanted. The Millelith are still conducting the investigation as to where they went."

Blonde hair... Are... Are they talking about Aether?! He defeated a whole ocean monster?! Not only that but we're somehow still wanted??

"Ehe.." I laughed nervously, hoping the other two would get the hint that the conversation is getting dangerously close to the waiter finding out our identity.

"Oh! Right." The waiter straightened their back, and went back into their professional mood. "Anything else?"

We all shook our heads in response. The waiter then headed off into the back, dropping off the paper to the cook.

"I'm genuinely surprised they didn't recognize us." I sighed in relief. "I expected posters plastered around the country like Inazuma."

"You'll be recognized by the Millelith when we pass by them." Beidou sighed. "But, we'll only be here for a while-"

Gasps and chatter suddenly bursted around the room, interrupting Beidou. At first, I thought it was about Kazuha and I, and so I was ready to burst out running once again.

But looking around, I saw a certain blonde man enter inside the restaurant. Aether.

He seemed to be scanning around the room, looking for someone. His eyes stopped on our table. A flash of recognition was seen in his face.

(Sorry if this is kind of short! You will see why in little bit.)

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