Chapter 9

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Fragile Feelings

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Author's Note: Alright, so in the recent chapters, I was building up your story, getting a feel of writing, as it has been forever since I wrote something.

So as I have gotten used to it, I'll be pushing the plot more forward, but also have some nice time with the beloved. 😩😩

Also, go follow my friend, who is currently writing a oneshot book, and I think they are pretty cool. So if I think they're cool, go follow them. 👉😎👉 redDorc

Anyways back to the story 🤩🤩


[About over a week has passed since the execution and trial of (Y/N). Most of the country, including the Shogun, believes she is dead, all except for two people.

They've been keeping a close eye on her, and the information going on in the city, and the Vision hunt decree. They found out that An had beed executed right after (Y/N) fled into the woods, for resisting.]

. . .

"Kazuhaaa!" I groaned out as I tried to crack some eggs onto the pan. Kazuha was supposed to be helping me cook lunch for Tomo when he gets back from traveling, but instead he was laying down on the floor.

He laughed, and I facepalmed while sighing. "I swear to the ARCHONS if you don't help me I will throw this egg onto your face!" I said in a joking manner, while also holding the egg in the air.

"You won't egg me." He said confidently, and closed his eyes relaxing. H-Hey?! What the-

"Oh yeah? What makes you so sure about that, huh?" I sassed.

"I slash you on the neck with my blade, of course." He said coldly. I stared at him, trying to figure out whether he was being serious or not.

He opened his eyes and smiled. "I'm kidding (Y/N)." I allowed myself to let out a sigh of relief.

"I couldn't tell." I smiled as I cracked the egg, and watching it sizzle in the pan. "But uh..."

"I'm serious, I'm bad at cooking." I looked over at Kauzha on the floor, who was covering his face with his arms.

"You just crack the egg, scramble it to become soft and mixed, while also stirring quickly on low hear, so the egg doesn't cook so fast." He explained.

"I still don't get it." I frowned, as I stared at the now half cooked egg. "I'm just gonna try making sunny side up eggs then."

. . .

"And, finally. Eggs." I set down the plate of a couple of sunny side up eggs, with fully cooked whites, but with runny yolks.

Kazuha finally decided to get up from the floor, his hair noticeably more messy than before.

"Did you just sleep on the floor??" I asked, trying to smooth out some of the curls.

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