Unfortunate Discontinuation

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I'm sorry to say that I'm discontinuing this story. After taking a break during October, and coming back, I was surprised to see how much this story blew up.

I guess I was sort of nervous to write back as I kind of see this book as cringe. The reason I wrote this was because of my unholy obsession of Kazuha and Genshin.

But then, interests changed, and I had to focus more on school. During December, I didn't really care of Genshin much, but I felt bad for the people who've enjoyed this story, and have been waiting for the next part of the story.

I have decided to not continue to write the story, as I've wanted to focus more on school, and also that the general story I wanted to follow, started to make less sense as more updates has happened to Genshin.

However, I'm not going to end this book with a sudden discontinuation, and an unfinished story. As of writing this, I don't remember much of how I wanted to go about it, but I'll say the general outline on how I wanted to go about this.

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Once after Aether, Kazuha, (Y/N), and Beidou met up, Aether and Paimon fills them in on what happened, and how Kazuha and (Y/N) are no longer wanted.

But now, Aether explains how he now wants to head to Inazuma, in order to meet their archon.

(Y/N) expresses concern as to why, (You the reader can assume why.)

Aether sighs, and explains his quest to find his sister. Kazuha explains about the vision hunt decree, and the real reason as to why him and (Y/N) are in Liyue.

Beidou offers Aether to join the Crux Clash, and that the prize is a vision. However, she also offers that she can change the price to be a ride to Inazuma.

Aether was hesitant to the offer, but accepts. Kauzha, judging Aether with his complex smell, believes that he would be the one to win, and maybe relight the burnt out vision.

Time Pass (This is assuming that you know what happens during the Crux Clash event quest story thing.)

Once Beidou has taken the person away, this leaves Kazuha, (Y/N), and Aether, tidying themselves up after their battle.

Kazuha hands Aether the vision, expecting it to light up, but becomes disappointed that it hasn't lit up. (Y/N) is disappointed as to Kazuha for making the vision the prize. It almost got stolen, and wasn't even relit.

The argument becomes heated, and Kazuha says, "You are the reason why he's dead. You couldn't save him on time, even with your vision."

Immediately he regrets it, but (Y/N) then storms off, upset at him, and upset that even they weren't able to save Tomo.

Aether awkwardly hands back the vision to Kazuha, and Paimon suggests to finding beidou.

After a while, Beidou gets ready to sail back to Inazuma. Aether joins in. (Y/N) also wants to join with him, after being homesick, and also because of being upset.

Kazuha apologies to (Y/N), and begs them not to go back until "time is right." However, (Y/N) doesn't respond, hurting Kazuha.

Aether, Beidou, and (Y/N) heads off to Inazuma, and (Y/N) requests to be a sort of guide for the Unknown Lands of Inazuma.

Paimon argues how she is Aether's guide, but Aether agrees with (Y/N), knowing they would be of help.

(Y/N) explains more about the vision hunt decree, and asks Aether if he could help abolish it. Hesitantly, he agrees.

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