Chapter 19

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- Reader's POV -


Ever since that day, instead of trying to forget the past, I try to accept it.

Life is full of regret, and sometimes you just have to accept it. You can't change the past, but you can only change yourself to prevent it from happening again.

But, after all that happened, Kazuha and I are still wanted. We currently wander around, living off the land, and resting in caves or abandoned buildings if we can, as we wait for the tomorrow until the boat of the Crux arrives in Ritou.

Since my blade is broken, Kazuha goes out foraging while I wait for him to come back. But for this time, I begged him to go out foraging with him.

As of right now, we're at the edge of Kanda Village, searching for information about us two.


Kazuha's fingers intertwine around mine, and so I grab his hand, his fingers gripping mine firmly.

"Stay close to me, and don't go foraging away." He said, and I nodded.

I tugged at my jacket's collar, adjusting it to be more loose. Kazuha also wore a jacket, in where he stole some from the locals from another village.

The jackets were an easy disguise, as the most of description on the posters about us were our clothes.

We headed towards the local village, and was greeted by one of people there.

He waved, and Kazuha waved back, trying his best to look friendly.

"Are there anyway posters set up here?" Kazuha asked as we walked around.

"Uhm.." My eyes wandered around until it stopped at a billboard sign. "Over there, maybe." I pointed.

We both headed to it, and looked around until our eyes meet the Wanted section.

"Wow, they're offering 100 million for any information of sighting about us." I said under my breath.

"I wonder how many false sightings people made." Kazuha chuckled.

"Probably enough to cause the army to stop investigating some of the reports." I sighed.

I looked around more of the board, until a familiar word hit my eye.


"Whoa! Look!" I pointed at the poster. Kazuha followed my finger, and landed on the poster.

"Huh. Something about.. The Crux Clash..?" I tilted my head.

"Hm.. Sounds... Strange..." Kazuha placed his hand on his chin, but shook his head moments later. "We can think about it later, come on, before we get spotted."

He gently pulled me forward, and I followed behind him. We were able to leave unspotted, and entered once again into nature.

•Your Guide, Your Love• (Kazuha x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now