Chapter 4

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Strikes and Slashes

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Tomo laughs nervously. "Fugitive? What fugitive?"

"Don't play dumb with me." He stares coldly into my eyes. "That girl is a traitor to the whole of Inazuma. Assisting her in any will result in trial, and execution."

As I looked at our surroundings, I could see multiple soldiers at every angle, hiding in bushes or trees, ready to ambush us if we chose to attack.

We're surrounded.

Looking at Kazuha's face, I can tell that he's thinking the same thing. We both looked at Tomo, hoping he'd say the right thing.

"Actually, this is my sister! Uh.... Dan..i..?" He said with such uncertainty that I couldn't help but cringe. They all knew Tomo was lying.

Kazuha lets me sit down to rest, however still is by my side. What is he doing?

"Well then, if you're just going to continue playing dumb, we have no choice other than to use brute force. Men! Attack!" The soldier swung his arm to the left.

The soldiers in the bushes, trees, and some I never even saw appeared.

"Kazuha! Now!" Tomo suddenly shouted.

Immediately, a flash of color appeared, with a gust of wind, and maple leaves surrounded us.

I heard the shouts and cries of the soldiers, as I  see them in mid air, and suddenly plunge into the ground. Kazuha, who was also in mid air, plunged into the men.

Looking over, I see Tomo, slashing and slicing the nearby charging soldiers at what seems to be at the speed of lightning. As soon as he moves on the next soldier, the previous falls.

"Men! Retreat!!" I heard the main general shout out. I took one glimpse at him, and at his face, was fear.

Frantic screams or shouts, the soldiers still ran off frantically. Some even ran off in the wrong direction.

Once everything cleared up, the only things left was the bodies of the slain soldiers.

"Are... Are they dead...? I asked, hoping they're still alive. I don't want Tomo and Kazuha to also be wanted in Inazuma just by helping me.

I never even knew that was a thing.

"No, just heavily unconscious." Kazuha sighed, as he helped me up as my legs were still wobbly.

"We should get going." Tomo said, wiping some blood off his mouth. "If the Shogun's Army somehow found out where we were going and planned an ambush, its crucial we get to home."

Kazuha and I nods, and Tomo picks me up gently. The morning sun I saw earlier has turned to after, but we all start running.

I close my eyes, trying to replay what went on during the fight. How was Kazuha in the air? Is that the power of a vision? And Tomo, being able to move at fast speeds.

If this is the true strength of a vision, why is it taken away? How is having a vision a threat to Eternity?

But the constant sound of the grass being plunged by our running brought me back from my thoughts.

I could hear both Toma and Kazuah panting, wondering how much longer until we reach the destination.

"(Y/N). We're almost there." Tomo said, sounding like he's out of breath.

"Tomo.. I-..." I heard a set of footsteps stop, and Kazuha's panting became more intense, as if he's out of breath.

I felt Tomo slow down, but continued running. "Come on Kazuha!"

He then sucked in air through his teeth, and continued running.

. . .

"Hah... Hah..." Tomo gasped for air as he gently set me down, and I lean on the wall for support.

"We're... finally here..." Kazuha said between gasps.

"I hope... we... weren't being followed...." Tomo replied.

They both slumped down by the wall, trying to calm their breaths down, as I practice walking without support.

It's gotten a bit better, but my thighs were still sore. Any movement would cause a deep ache.

I should probably avoid long walks then.

"Are you able to walk?" Tomo said, no longer panting, but still looked exhausted.

I replied with a nod.

"Oh thank the archons." He said, looking up and sighing in relief. I didn't even know what to reply to that.

What happened to "light" huh?

"Tomo!" Kazuha looked at him in shock.

Tomo somehow let out a chuckle. "Relax... I was only kidding." I sighed a relief after that.

Kazuha stood up, and stretched. "We should head inside, before other soldiers realize we're here."

Tomo and I nod, and he gets up as well, opening the door. Kazuha and I went in first, then Tomo, who closed the door behind us.

The sent of maple syrup and cinnamon fills the air.

"Ahhh..." Kazuha sniffed the air and sighed. "It feels nice to be back."

Tomo chuckles in response. "I think you're forgetting about someone."

But I was too busy admiring the place. It looked almost similar to home, small, yet cosy. Cluttered, but item seems to have some sort of memory.

"Right." Kazuha said, face flushed a light pink in embarrassment. "You can come with me (Y/N). I'll show you the rooms here."

"Alright." I reply, and I follow him behind.

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