Chapter 17

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Peace and Planning

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After a suspicious while of walking, we appeared in front of a small house, the same house Bee, An, and I used to hang out in.

"Alright, here we are." Bee sighed. They opened the door, and we stepped inside.

Once we started to go deeper into the house, it smelled sweet, similar to honey.

"Like the scent? My friend picked the candle out for me last summer." Bee grinned.

"Where's the shower?" Kazuha asked, completely ignoring Bee's statement.

"Down the hall to the left." Bee replied. Kazuha nodded, and headed his way to the bathroom.

"Wow. This place has changed." I replied, looking around at what used to be the familiar walls.

"Aha, yeah... But with An gone..." Bee's voice treaded off. An... "No, never mind that." They shook their head.

"Let's get you patched up as we wait for your boyfriend." Bee grinned at me.

"Ahah.." I awkwardly laugh as the pull me to their room. I sat down on their bed, which was more softer than I remember.

"Oh!" Bee suddenly said as she grabbed some bandages. "What happened to your hand??" They started to peal off the cloth Kazuha had placed.

"Burns." I said. I didn't want to go into true detail about what happened, nor did I want to remind myself about what happened.

"I suspected. Keep your hands still, alright?" They said, as they started to wrap the fresh bandage around my hand.

It didn't hurt as much as last time, but it did still sting.

"And.. There." They said, tying it off. I looked at my new bandaged hand, and moved it around, feeling better than before.

"Thanks Bee." I smiled.

"I guess it's my sorry gift." They laughed, and I couldn't help but laugh too. If An were here as well, they would be laughing with us too..

"So how did you meet that guy??" They sat next to me on the bed, relaxing.

"Kazuha??" I asked.

"Yeah! Your boyfriend." Bee raised an eyebrow.

"We met in the woods, when I was running away from the city after, you know." I waved my hand.

"Ohh." They placed a hand on their chin. "I see. And have you ever done.. addition before..?"

I stared into space trying to make sense of what Bee was saying.

But i felt my face suddenly flush red.

"WHAT?!-" I covered my face. "Bee-!"

They laughed hysterically. "I'm kidding-! I'm kidding!!"

"Hm? Kidding about what?" Kazuha suddenly walked in, his hair damp, and the smell of soap radiated from his body.

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