Chapter 2

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Sword Welding Samurai

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"Really??" I stood up in a mixture of relief, excitement, and happiness, but my legs quickly gave in once again.

He signed, and carried me up. I clanged onto his arm for support, but it was even a struggle just to stand up.

"If you wish, I can carry you to the place I know where to rest. I have a friend there who'd take care of you." He suggested.

Knowing my limits, if I would choose to walk, I would have caused the wanderer to have to slow down more times than if he were to carry me. So I went ahead and nodded.

Slowly but carefully, he lifted me of the ground, and started walking a slow and steady pace deeper into the woods.

"It will be a long journey, if you don't mind." He started to say, "If you wish to leave, tell me any time."

"Yeah.. I will..." I croaked. Exhaustion and tiredness was starting to consume me, and I closed my eyes.

I listened to the wanderer's steady footsteps, crunching the grass below us. Nearby, I heard running water, and some insect's fly buzzing.

It was relaxing, if I forgot about the part where I'm wanted in the whole country.

. . .

Once I opened my eyes, I didn't feel the rhythmic footsteps of the wanderer, instead I found myself leaning against the tree.

Huh? Where did he go??

After a few seconds, that question was answered, when I heard slashing, grunts, and shouts.

I looked at the side where it came from, and watched him defeat a pyro Abyss Mage with ease.

I've always heard that the Abyss Mage are usually with the Abyss order, but you rarely hear about them or see them here in Inazuma, that I don't know much more about them.

I watch him, mesmerized by his sword, and the way he wields it.

"How do you that?" I ask, as he sits next to me to take a break.

He smiles, trying to hide his pants. "Do what?"

"You know the... attacking with a sword. One second the enemy is there, and with one slash, it's dead!" I try to explain it to him, but I am aware it sounded a bit childish.

The wanderer chuckled, and held out his blade, shiny and reflective.

"The art of the sword isn't something you learn overnight. It requires skill, and a lot of patience. Only then, you'd barley be considered a master of the blade." I frowned at that sentence.

Well that sounded a bit discouraging.

"But," He quickly said after noticing my face change. "I can show you the basics. Proper stances, attack and defensive stances more specifically." He added.

I smiled. "I'd like to."

He sighed a satisfying sigh of relief, and looked at the trees, which blocked the now beaming afternoon sunlight.

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