Chapter 29

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The Crux

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"We.." I started to say, but cut myself off to have a chance to breath.

"Rex Lapis was killed.." Kazuha said for me, and Beidou looked at us with eyes widened in shock. "We weren't the ones who did it, but I'm sure people from Inazuma would be suspected of doing so."

"I see.." Beidou placed her hand on her chin, thinking about what to do next.

Awkwardly, I try to get up from Kazuha, but he places his hand on my back, as if signaling me to stop. I looked at him in confusion.

"Stay.." Kazuha mumbled to himself, but it was loud enough for me to hear. I felt my face go slightly pink.

"Since you two have singlehandedly made yourselves wanted in two separate nations, I'm gonna propose a deal." Beidou crossed her arms and looked at us.

"W-what's the deal..?" I asked hesitantly.

"The deal is, we'll take you in as part of our crew. You'll work for us until the window to enter Inazuma is open. That's when we'll drop you off home, and you can figure that out yourself." She explained, eyeing us.

Kazuha and I looked at each other slowly.

It sounded like a good deal, but I have no idea what working on a ship is like, as well as Kazuha. But, we both understood that if we didn't accept this offer, we'll be forced back to living on the land, same as before.

But this time, we'd have to wait a full month.

"If I were you, I'd make the deal." Beidou gave her signature smirk.

"We'll accept." Kazuha nodded, and I nodded with him.

"Haha!" Beidou laughed happily. "Welcome to the crew, kids." She held out her hand, and slowly, I grabbed it, and pulled myself up. Same for Kauzha.

"Hey! There they are!!" I heard a shout from the port. It was one of the millelith.

"Sorry guys." Beidou sighed. "These people are innocent."

And just like that, the boat started to drift off. I rushed over at the railings of the boat to watch Liyue get smaller and smaller.

The millelith stood there helplessly, before retreating back into the harbor.

Kazuha appeared to the side of me, and wrapped one of his arms around my waist.

It felt strange. Being wanted in two nations, no where to call home. We only have each other, side by side, no matter what happens. I felt my mouth drop.

So, what would happen if Kauzha-

"The view of Liyue here is nice." Kazuha said, suddenly interrupting my thoughts. "By now in Inazuma, the leaves would be turning between a hue of red and orange."

I thought about Inazuma during the fall. It usually gets more chilly, and when the leaves fall, they're crunchy to the touch.

I remember Bee, An, and I making leaf piles, then jumping into it, the pile acting like some sort of cushion to the fall.

"Yeah.." My mouth smiles slightly at the memory. "But.. Too bad that in a month, it'll be already winter.."

"We always have next year, do we not?" Kazuha smiled as he looked at me. His eyes were soft, but also full of hope. Some sort of happiness.

"Next year..." I mumbled to myself. "Y-yeah! And when next year rolls around, the decree has already been abolished!" I tried to keep my hopes up.

Kazuha looked satisfied, and turned his head back at the fading Liyue.

"Maybe I could bring you, to my hometown.." He mumbled to himself, but loud enough for me to hear.

Gently, I placed my head on his shoulder, and looked out into the ocean.

The sky was starting to turn a golden yellow, as the sun begins to fade into another day.

"Hey! Lovebirds!" Someone from behind us called out. "Why don't you go viewing up there?? Make yourselves useful." The person said, before going back to do something.

"Oh, that reminds me." Kazuha grabs me tight, pulling myself to him.

"H-Huh-" I could feel his warmth, and his faint signature smell.

Are we about to kiss?? My face felt pink at the thought, but Kazuha seemed to have not noticed.

"Hold on tight (Y/N)."

And just like that, he took off. I didn't feel my feet on the ground, but rather watch as the scenery started to get smaller, as Kazuha started to climb up the pole.

I looked down at the people below. Some were sweeping the floorboards, others were drinking, or just eating.

My grip on Kazuha's back became tighter once I realized that I could fall down to my death.

"Not-... Not so tight..." I heard him struggle to say. My pressure on him softened.

"Sorry.." I quickly apologized.

After Kazuha and I safely made our way up the pole, and sat one of the supporting poles, the sun had already mostly set.

What was left in the sky, were the stars that sometimes faded, and faded back into existence again. There wasn't a single cloud in sight.

"You know, when I was up here the first time," Kazuha started to say, his hand making his way towards mine.

"This view of the sky baffled me. I never knew that the stars could be so.." He didn't finish his sentence. But he didn't need to anyway.

"Kazuha.." I looked at him, who looked back down at me, his eyes glistening like the stars.

"You're my star, that lights up my world." I leaned into a kiss.

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