Chapter 24

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Familiar Feeling

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"Excuse me sir?" Kazuha said to get the hammering blacksmith.

"Hm? You need something made? Or are you gonna buy something." He said, not looking up.

"We're here to buy a sword. Do you have any that sells cheep?" I asked.

"Well, for swords, I only have a silver sword. 600 mora." He said.

"We'll take it." Kazuha said, dumping about 600 mora into his hands, and handing it to the blacksmith.

He went into the back, and came out with the silver sword. But I knew it wasn't pure silver, it was just made from silver alloy.

"Alright, here's your sword." He handed it to me, and I played around with the grip, trying to get used to the weight.

I took out the dull sword from the case, and placed inside the silver sword.

I just gave the dull sword to the blacksmith to be reforged into something else.

"Ahhh.." I sighed, smiling. "I finally have a better sword."

"Not as good as the original one." Kazuha pointed out.

"I don't even know where Tomo got it!" I snapped back. Kazuha only chuckled, even though I mentioned Tomo.

"That sword was made from a special blacksmith. However, you have to go forge out for the materials first. The issue is, those materials are only found in Inazuma." He explained.

"Is that what Tomo did whenever he used to go out?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Kazuha nodded. "Up to the point before he was able to get it made. Before he.."

"He..." I tried to finish his sentence, but the dread already got into me.

He shook his head, as if shaking his thoughts away. "Hey, you said you wanted to go to that restaurant before, right?"

My mind trails back to the aroma yesterday.

"Oh yeah.." I said, remembering the area I saw it in. "Something restaurant... I think I remember where it is."

"Well then, lead the way." Kazuha smiled, and led a gentle nod.

Walking around with Zhongli gave me an overall internal map about Liyue Harbor, and so I try to walk back to the area where we came from.

As we got closer, the smell of the chilies and other spices started to fill up my lungs.

"There!" I pointed out to the building that read, Wanmin Restaurant.

We both took a seat in front, and I laid my head on his shoulder. Somehow, I felt some Deja Vu, as if this happened before.

Where did I get this feeling from..?

"Hello! Welcome to the Wanmin Restaurant, what could you like?" The man asked.

"Uhm.. Your specialty please." Kazuha said, taking a quick glance at the menu on the wall next to us.

The man grinned, and turned back to the stove.

Kazuha wrapped his arm around me, and I could feel the warmth of his body radiating onto mine.

I smiled, the relief flooding back to me.

We stayed like this for a while. Even though we weren't saying words, our body said it all. We finally found our freedom.

"Kazuha?" I mumbled. His hands started to gently stroke my neck.

"Yes?" He replied.

"I wish... I wish we could stay here forever." I said, looking off at the man tossing the pan up and suddenly back down, the ingredients flying.

"We'll stay here as long as you want." He mumbled back softly. "You don't have to rush things."

I looked at him, and he was softly smiling. I smiled back, and my arms wrapped around his chest.

"Thank you." I said, cuddling my head into his chest.

. . .

"Alright, here's the special order!" The man called out, setting the plate of food in front of us. Immediately, the aroma from before made my mouth water. The steam rising from the food reminded me of something.

That meat and veggie soup.

Kazuha let out a sigh, looking up at the food. "Whoa... How much is it?"

"100 mora." The man replied. Kazuha handed the mora to him, then he goes to tend to another customer who sat next to us.

I wish.. That was Bee... Handing us delicious food.

"(Y/N)?" Kazuha said, gently nudging me. I gripped him a bit tighter.

"I'm no hungry right now.." I replied back. Even if the smell of the food started to make me feel more hungry than I was, the feeling of dread still haunted me.

"(Y/N)..." He said, slowly trying to pull me away. "You have to eat."

"I said, I'm not hungry." I replied back, but with more tone.

I heard Kazuha sigh, and his chewing of the food.

"Bee.." I mumbled into his chest, quiet enough for him not to hear me.

Should I be enjoying myself right now? I hoped we three could escape together. I hoped I could have actually prevented someone's death.

If Kazuha were to... Would I even be able to save him..?

My throat started to burn.




Will, Kazuha be next..?

"(Y/N)." Kazuha said suddenly, startling me from my thoughts.

"H-Huh?" I pulled myself off from him, and noticed the slight annoyance in his face.

He held out a fork with a piece of meat on it.

"I'm not gonna let you starve yourself from guilt. Eat." He waved the fork in front of me.

Hesitantly, I bit off the meat from the fork.

It tasted spicy, but juicy, and flavorful. Chewy, but not tough.

It tasted something like Bee would make.

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