Chapter 20

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The Crux

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"Alright." I said, getting up alongside him.

As we step out of the shed, the cold Inazumin air sent a shiver up my spine. I clutched my jacket tighter, while Kazuha seems unaffected by the air.

We started to run up north, slowly picking up pace the further we get, and our breaths made temporary clouds in the air.

I was used to running and breathing in warm air, but it seems like I could never get enough oxygen with cold air, no matter how much I breath.

I looked over at Kazuha, but he seemed to be unaffected by the weather.

We finally stopped once we entered Ritou. Kazuha's hand grabs mine, and I gripped his.

"Do you know where the blacksmith is..?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He chuckled. "Of course I do.. I think."

I mentally facepalmed, but he started to head in the direction of where he thinks the blacksmith is, and I follow behind.

We stopped in front of a blacksmith merchant, who seemed to be selling swords or weapons.

"Excuse me.." Kazuha says as we both stood in front of him. "How much is a dull blade??"

He eyed Kazuha suspiciously, which added a new feeling of tension in the air.

"...600 mora." He finally said in a huff.

Kazuha grabbed out the pouch and handed it to the man. "That's 1000 mora in all. Keep the change."

The man grinned, and grabbed out the dull blade, which, the name definitely described what it looked like. He handed it to Kazuha with the casing, but I gracefully took it and placed behind my back.

"You should definitely watch your back you two. There's some kiddos wanted who looks like you." The man said as we started walking away.

Kazuha picked up the pace, and I treaded behind him.

"Next step.." He mumbled underneath his breath. "Infiltrate the Crux."

We eventually reached the port, and there it was, the ship of the Crux. It was initially larger than I expected, and more greater than I thought it would be.

I looked around, and saw the crates and boxes being loaded into the boat, and it seemed the pirates were no where done.

I grinned in surprise and excitement. We slowly started to head closer to the boat, occasionally ducking behind the boxes and crates to avoid being spotted by the crew.

Once we ran out from the last box into the ship, the sense of tension suddenly disappeared. Relief made me grin, but when I look at Kazuha, he still seems to be alert.

"Hey! You two!" Someone said behind us. My back suddenly became tense, and I placed my hand on the handle of my new blade as we both turn around.

"What's the two of the most wanted criminals doing here..?" The person smirks as they raise an eyebrow.

Could that be..? The person head of the Crux?

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