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And, so it Begins.

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My name, is (Y/N) (L/N). I spoke in my head. I am a nobody. Well, I was supposed to be.

. . .

Me and my parents stood in front of the statue. It's name was the Statue of the Omnipresent God, but most of my friends decided to call it the statue.

My heart was racing fast. My friend, An, who recently got a cryo vision, was no where to be seen.

"An?!" I cried out to the crowd, but they were nowhere to be seen. I glanced to the platform, and my worst fear instantly became a reality.

Here was my best friend, now tied up and looking at the ground while surrounded by officers. Their vision laid on the ground.

As an officer was walking towards them to pick up their vision, my mind was racing fast.

Should I help them? No, my family would disagree.. But they can't just take their vision like that-! A gift from the archon!

I stood on my toes, trying to get a better look.

Agh-! They gave up! They're not resisting anymore.

The guard was already less than ten feet away from her.

Aggh!! I my face in my hands in despair.

After finally making a decision, I grabbed the nearest stone near me, and steadily aimed it at the officer while making my way closer to the platform.

I threw the rock with all my might, hitting his head with a grunt, and knocking him down. I dashed my way on and off the platform, now holding An's cryo vision, that somehow makes my sweaty hand feel colder.

The people in the crowd backed away from me, in shock, as if I were a venomous snake, ready to bite at any second.

An looked at me, but their face was only filled with despair, somehow telling me to give up. An...?

Immediately, all the officers were surrounding me, and I dropped the vision, knowing I wouldn't stand a chance against their army.

One of them snatched it from the floor, but keeping their snake-eyed to me. I can't give up now. Not yet.

I turned to An, who looked like they were trying to stand up, but one of the officers kicked her on the side.

Many of the people in the crowd were murmuring while pointing at me. Nobody in history of the Vision Hunt Decree has someone interfered.

The officer looked at me with a stern look on his face.

"Your name?" He asked. But I stood there quiet, trying to find out a way to get out of this situation.

"Your name?!?" He said, but louder, in a more demanding tone.

"(Y-Y/N) (L/N).." I tried not to make my voice crack.

He smiled. But it wasn't a smile of happiness or reassurance, it was a smile full of venom.

"In all of the Vision Hunt Decree's history," He yelled out to the crowd, shushing them of their words and gossip. The air was filled only with the rapid beating of my heart, and the man's words.

"This lady here is officially the first to publicly interfere with the decree! Which is a direct insult to the Shogun herself!" He pointed to the building a bit farther up of the statue.


. . .

This wasn't supposed to happen this way. I was supposed to stay and watch their vision get taken from them, right?

I was supposed to...

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