Chapter 6

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Peace No More

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Once I've finished changing, I stepped in front of the closest mirror, curious to how I look.

In some way, I looked like the smaller and more fall version of Kazuha. Even though it was just a shirt, a slightly transparent jacket, and just some leggings, it had some elements that he wears now.

The jacket had some faded maple leaves design near the bottom, the electro symbol on the back, and a deep, less saturated red color for the leggings.

Huh. I somehow don't even look like myself anymore.

I started making random poses, some with just my face, or with my full body. I look so cool.

Once I had finally gotten bored, I placed my dirty clothes in a neat stack next to Kazuha's dirty clothes pile.

Or, at least what I think is his dirty pile of clothes. I looked over out the window, the sun was just barely starting to set, but still bright out.

I don't know what to do...

Usually in my free time, I'd hang out with An, exploring the forest, or going out in the market, talking with other people.

An! I completely forgot about them! I placed my hand on my face in distress. I forgot to ask Tomo and Kazuha to also find out what happened to An-!

Knock Knock Knock!

Someone was knocking at the door. They're back early? That was fast... I looked over at the window again, checking the time, but I noticed something wrong.

The grass was more trampled than it was before. It wouldn't be like that if only two people were walking on it, but a group of people could.

The army is already here!?!

Bang Bang Bang!

The knocking grew more louder than the last. I quickly headed to the door, and looked out the crack, confirming my fear. The Shogun's Army is not only here, but as well as Kujou Sara, a member of the Kujou Clan.

"(Y/N) (L/N)! I know you are somewhere in there!" She shouted out. "On the behalf of the Shogun, you are authorized to go back to Inazuma to await your trial."

T-Trial?! Hold on, have they already captured Kazuha and Tomo as well??

I placed my hand over my nose and mouth to steady my breathing.

"You are surrounded. I suggest you give up now before we have to open the door by force." She replies sternly. "If it makes you feel any better.... We have your friend."


"Will you spare them if I come out-!" I said out of desperation. I suddenly placed my hand over my mouth over the realization of the mistake I can't take back.

"...Yes. Of course." She said hesitantly. "Now, come out."

I didn't know what to do. My body kept trying to glue me in place, but by mind kept making my hand move through the doorknob.

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