Chapter 25

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He raised an eyebrow, as if he was trying to read my emotions.

"It's..." I said, swallowing. It's something I wish Bee could have made. "Delicious."

Kazuha nodded. "The food here in Liyue is certainly more lively."

He grabbed another fork full, and placed it in front of me, which I gladly bit and swallowed.

One after the bowl was empty, the sun had began to set, setting a deep yellow sky, which looked breath taking in Liyue.

"I guess, we should head back now." I said, hopping of the chair, and started to head out of Liyue.

"Wait." Kazuha said, stopping me in my tracks. "There's a few things I want to check out first."

He took my hand without saying anything, and looked into my eyes.

"Kazuha.." I mumbled, looking to the side. But after some hesitation, I nodded. "O-Okay."

"So, will you come with me?" Kazuha wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I will." I said, hugging him tightly. I didn't want to let go, I just wanted him in my arms forever, away from anything that would harm him.

After a moment, we let go, but he still was holding my hand.

He started to walk, and I followed him. Only that, he was walking to an entire different part of Liyue that I haven't seen before.

We walked for a bit, treading across small ponds or large buildings, but we eventually stopped at a place that had a large empty pot in the middle.

"Huh. What's that?" I asked, trying to figure out what they use the pot for. Is this for some kind of event? Maybe, a large hotpot??

"Hmm.." Kazuha placed his hand on his chin, as what he does in deep thought. "I think.. Something about, Rite of... Descension..?"

"Hm? What's that?" I asked.

"I'm not to sure." Kazuha said, letting his hand fall back down. "I only saw it once on a poster while walking around."

"Hmm.." I hummed, getting closer to the pot to get a closer look at it. It had a complex design.

"Hey! What are you two doing?" I heard a voice from behind us, startling me. Out of instinct, I place my hand on my blade.

We both turn around slowly at the sound, and who stood before us, was Zhongli.

"Oh. I did not know it was you two." Zhongli apologized, and walked to us. I sighed, and let my hand go of the handle.

"I thought I saw someone trespass here, so I came to check it out." He said. "However, this place isn't available to the public until in a week."

"Zhongli, say, do you know what that is?" I asked, as we all head out of the area, following behind Zhongli.

"That.. Is used during the Rite of Descension. It's an event where people gather around once a year to see the Geo Archon, Rex Lapis." He described.

T-The Geo Archon..?

"Have you seen him before?" Kazuha asked.

Zhongli however, hesitantly shook his head. "No. I did not. I don't attend to those types of events."

"Oh! Maybe we all could go together?" I suggested. Kazuha nodded in agreement, and we both look at Zhongli, who was shaking my head.

"As much as I'd love to join you two, I'll be busy working my job during that day." He gave out a smile, but it held no emotion. "But, I'd love for you two to tell me what happens that day."

"That is, if we can find where this place again." I joked. I heard Kazuha chuckle, and a slight snort from Zhongli.

"Well then, I guess we have to go now." Kazuha said, grabbing my hand lightly. "We should get going before the lady at the Inn thinks we left."

"Alright. See you soon then." Zhongli waved.

Kazuha started to walk to the path we were familiar with, and I treated behind him.

The moon was shining brightly, lighting up the area, as if the sun were still here. The stars faded into existence, then faded back to nothingness.

"Say, Kazuha?" I interrupted the silence.

"Yes?" He hummed.

"Let's, go back to Inazuma soon." I said. That sentence made Kazuha's grip on my hand a bit tighter. "I can't... I can't continue living peacefully until the decree-"

"Alright." Kazuha stopped walking. I turned to him, and tried to make out what emotion was feeling. Was it anger? Sadness? Regret?

But he looks at me back, his eyes were soft. "Let's go back in a week."

"A-Are you sure??" I said, surprised at his response.

"Yes." He nodded. "Like you... I can't live like this. Knowing someone has died for a cause. We can't just let their deaths be.."

Be in vain.

We both stared into each other's eyes. Being free was what I wanted, but, to also be free with our friends.

I nodded, but smiled a bit, trying to lift up the mood we both sank.

"Yeah, but, after the Rite of Depression?" I said, still unsure of the last word.

Kazuha chuckled. "It's Rite of Descension."

"R-Right." I felt my face go pink at my mistake.

"Come on." Kazuha said, gently tugging my hand.

We continued to walk along the path, the silence allowed the wind to make noise as it flowed with us.

We're going back to Inazuma.

And I'm going to get my revenge on the Shogun.

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