Chapter 5

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Home, a Simple, yet Complex Place

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I trail behind him as we take a few turns in some halls.

We stop by a door at the end of one hall, and he opens it.

But instead of the joyous smell that engulfs the house, it was more of a dusty, old smell. It wasn't pleasant.

Dust flew out from the room, and Kazuha along myself coughed at the sudden change of air quality.

"S-Sorry.." He said, a bit teary eyed from the dust. "This is supposed to be the guest room..."

"And I suppose you never had a guest before." I joked, trying to shoo away the dust from my face.

"You can rest in my room if you wish." He said, examining the room from just the door. "It doesn't seem healthy to even clean this place."

"A-Are you sure??" I asked. I could always sleep on the floor... Is that what he's suggesting? Or am I gonna sleep on his-

No! Stop that!

He nodded his head. "I don't necessarily mind, especially with a guest that has no where to sleep."

"Okay then.." I said, not knowing how to respond properly.

I guess I'm sleeping in his tonight.

. . .

"And finally, my room." He said, as we arrive at a door.

"Are you sure you're fine with me sleeping in your room??" I asked, still unsure if he's acting out of kindness, or something else.

But, he nods. "I don't want to have to treat a guest by letting them sleep on the floor, can I?"

I felt my face glow red. Oh fuck- oh fuck I'm sleeping in his bed.

I'm sure Kazuha noticed me, but he seemed to ignore me.

"Do you have the place memorized now?" He lifts an eyebrow.

"Uh yeah..!" I said a bit awkwardly. "Can, I go take a shower..?" I asked.

"Sure. There's extra clothes in my drawer, some are too small for me, but I think they'll fit you." He says, opening the door.

"Tomo and I will be going out again to see what's going on." He says, but places his hand on my face, his thumb on my cheek.

"You can rest here." Our eyes meet for just a second, but in that second, his eyes flashed with determination, but he seemed to also be reassuring.

I could've sworn though, that his face flushed a pink color.

"Don't worry, we'll be back before tonight." He says, before swiftly turning around, and taking a corner, before I could say, "Good luck."

I stood there, still a bit startled at what happened. I placed my hand where he placed his.

Does he... I shook my head before finishing that thought. No. I shouldn't think like this-!

I felt my face go pink in embarrassment, but I head inside his room for clothes.

- Kazuha's POV -

I swiftly walked out of the hall, and took a turn to another hall.

I looked at my hand, and felt a wave of embarrassment flow through me. Ah-! I can't believe I touched her! I shook my hair in frustration.

"Oh? Someone's embarrassed." I heard Tomo as he walks in the hallway. "Did you kiss her?"

My face felt more hotter.

"N-No! Nothing like that! I just... held her." I said reluctantly. I heard him chuckle.

"Whatever you say Kaz." He smiled, then suddenly hugged me as tight to the point where I can't breath.

"My best friend is finally getting his first girlfriend!" He said as he ruffles my hair even more.

"Tomo!" I groaned. "I don't love her!"

He stopped hugging, but looked at me and chuckled. "We'll see about that."

I tried to fix my hair by smoothing it, but at this point, it was just a curly mess.

"Come on, let's head out again." He said opening the front door.

"Yeah yeah..." I mumbled out in annoyance. Tomo chuckled in response as I walk out.

The afternoon sky in Inazuma isn't pleasant, especially during the summer. It's hot, and the air seems more moist than it would be in the fall.

I squinted my eyes at the sudden brightness and change of scenery.

. . .

- Reader's POV -

I walked over to the drawer, and pulled out some clothes that I thought would look on me. They all smelled similar to Kazuha, like maple with a hint of cinnamon.

I placed them over my body, trying to imagine what they looked like, but I shook my head, folded and place them back, and pull out some more.

Hold on. This is the exact same as before.

I folded the set of clothes, placed it back, and pulled another.

"This guy..." I said looking at the exact same design as the other. This man only runs on one design of clothes.

I sighed, and grabbed a towel the closet, which surprise surprise, was the same clothes as what he is wearing. He doesn't actually have a different style!!

I walked out of the room and closed the door, but as I walked closer to the bathroom, I heard voices at the end of the other hall.

"I don't love her!" I faintly heard Kazuha shout. Even though we weren't dating, it hurt. It shouldn't hurt, right??

I placed my hand on my cheek, but shook it off. "I was fool to think anymore then."

I walked to the bathroom.

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