Chapter 21

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The boat trip wasn't as bad as I was expecting when first riding a boat. Other than the storm surrounding Inazuma, the sun and smell of the salty ocean brought me to life every time I head to the deck.

Kazuha enjoyed jumping up to high places to check out the view, and I liked to stand by the railings, watching the sun glisten over the ocean waves, like small stars in a never ending place.

Today however, was the last day before we arrive in Liyue. Kauzha had already went off to our room for tonight, but curiously, I headed and entered the captain's deck.

"Ahh..!" Beidou looked up from the table. "(Y/N)..! Thought I'd never get to properly talk to you!"

"Hey Beidou..!" I tried to match her tone as I stood over the opposite side of the table of where she was at.

"So, ya need something..?" She says as she tosses a bottle of alcohol into my arms. Awkwardly I caught it.

I placed it on the table, hoping she'd get the hint that I don't drink.

"Actually, I'm just here for a question." I reply.

Beidou nodded. "Hit me." She says as she leans on the table.

"I've never really heard much of places beyond Inazuma..." I looked at her for any emotion on her face, but she seemed intrigued at me so far.

"And, considering how you've traveled a lot.. What's Liyue like..?" I asked.

She closed her eyes, deep in consideration.

"Well, Liyue is... As complex as Inazuma." She said slowly. "But, Liyue is also both different and similar to Inazuma."

She punched my shoulder gently and grinned. "But I won't say anything else more. I'll let it be a surprise to the both of you."

Wow that's helpful.

"I- I mean.." I place a hand on my chin. "Is there anything I could do in Liyue similar to Inazuma..?"

Beidou laughs. "I told you, you'll see it for yourself once you get there. Liyue is just as complex as Inazuma. They can't be understood in a couple of sentences."

"A-Alright." I sighed.

"Anything else?" Beidou lifted an eyebrow as she said that. I felt the boat sway to the side, but carefully repositioned itself again.

I shook my head.

Beidou grinned at me as I headed to the door. "See you again, kiddo."

I smiled back. "See you again."

I headed to our room, and placed my blade at the wall. Kazuha was peacefully breathing, and gently, I tried to get on the bed without disturbing him.

After I had gotten in a comfortable position, I closed my eyes, and allow my breathing to relax itself.

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