Chapter 7

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Wanted Traitor

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Tomo placed his hand on my shoulder, and his grip tightened.

"Everyone! There will be a public trial in front of the Statue of the Omnipresent God." One of the soldiers shouted.

Without thinking, Tomo and I quickly headed to the statue, along with many other people, curious on what will be the resulting fate of (Y/N).

- Reader's POV -

. . .

Where am I? I could've sworn I was in a house...

I tried to move my arm and my limbs, but nothing. I felt limp.

Wait a minute... I remember, Sara, she-!

I tried opening my eyes, and to my surprise, it worked. Suddenly, I gained feeling everywhere in my body.

I inhaled sharply between my teeth at the sudden ache from the blast. Still, I tried to move my arms, but they were tied behind my back.

Looking around, I realized I'm no longer at the house, but back at the city, tied down to look like I'm kneeling in front of the statue.

"Ah, so the traitor is awake." Sara said suddenly. I looked up, and realized she's standing in front of me, but isn't looking at me.

I glanced behind me, and there was a crowd of people. Some of them were pointing at me, or making a dirty face, or murmuring to the person next to them.

None the less, they were same people who were watching An's vision get taken away.

But instead, I'm in An's position.

If Kazuha and Tomo are still in the city, hopefully they'll realize where I am. But if they're heading back now, I'm dead.

"Everyone! Silence!" She shouted at the gossiping crowd. "Today marks the public trial of (Y/N) (L/N), and hopefully, execution!"


I tried to open my mouth, but I wouldn't let go words, cohesive sentences, or even a scream. Just silence.

"As you all recall, this person has disrupted the ceremony of the recent vision confiscation, which will not go unpunished, by the Shogun herself." She declared.

"And as requested from the Shogun, (Y/N) (L/N) is to be publicly executed today!" She said, grabbing out her bow.

"I hope you regret your decision now, traitor." She scowled at me, aiming her bow at my head.

I have to think of something. How can I get out of this?! One wrong move and I'll be shot-! Have Kazuha and Tomo finally realized I'm gone?? Are they on their way?

As she spoke the word traitor, someone in the crowd chanted traitor. Then another. And another.

After a while, the entire city was cheering on my death. The same people I looked and chatted with An in the market.

My parents were probably chanting as well. Or are they sobbing, begging the soldiers to stop the execution. I looked at Sara's eyes as she squints at me.

What will Kazuha and Tomo do once they figure out I'm dead? Will they mourn me? A stranger they met in the woods? Or forget about me, and resume wandering about in Inazuma.

Will the Vision Hunt Decree catch up to them as well? Or, will it end someday?


"...Do it!" I shouted, with a distressed tone in my voice. "Go ahead, finally shoot me!" I looked down. "I get it! I'm a traitor to Inazuma!"

"Hmph." She smiled. "Very well then." She pulled back the string, and I close my eyes, awaiting my certain doom.

. . .

But, I felt nothing.

"Wait!!" Someone hollered from the crowd.

That voice-! Tomo!

I looked up in surprise. I turned my head around, and saw him, but somewhat different, being held down by some people in the crowd.

"You're here-!" I tried to get up, but soldiers immediately ran up to me, and pinned me to the ground.

I grunted at the sudden force. I tried to pull myself back up, but one of the guards stepped on my back, and I screamed in pain.

"This is the end for you, (Y/N)-!" Sara shouted, and I heard the whoosh of the arrow slice through the air in an instant.

"Not on my watch." Another familiar voice appeared.

The arrow barley missed it's lethal shot, but pierced through my ear. I bit my lip to suppress my urge to scream.

I felt the wind above me, sweeping of the soldiers around me, but keeping me unharmed.

I'm familiar with this attack! Kazuha!

The ropes that tied me down suddenly felt light, and I was pulled out of the platform. The same arms that carried me from the forest.

"Come on Kaz!" Tomo shouted at Kazuha, who was busy slashing and attacking at the nearby soldiers. I look at Sara, who was still stunned, but she still grabbed her bow.

Kazuha quickly looked at me, and nodded. We all swiftly jumped from the platform, and headed for the forest. I heard the screams of horror from the crowd.

"Ugh-!" Sara grunted as she struggled to get up. "You will not get away with this!!" She pulled her arrow back, and released it with speed.

I heard and felt the whoosh of the arrow fly by me, and piercing sound of meat and flesh that it dug into.

The next things I heard, were my screams in agony, a ringing in my ears, and the frantic shouting of Kazuha and Tomo.

What were they shouting about?

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