Chapter 27

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Traveling Travelers

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"Kazuha!" I gasped in surprise, as I ran into a hug with him. Our arms wrapped around each other, and I could faintly smell his maple scent.

"(Y/N)!" He smiled as we pulled away. "I didn't expect to find you here."

He glanced at Beidou, who was grinning, then back at me. "Did you.."

"Yeah, apparently she beat you to me." Beidou chuckled at her own joke.

"We're able to go to Inazuma," I started to explain. "But, only in a month."

Kazuha stared into space, trying to gather his thoughts, but he just nods.

"A month in Liyue, that doesn't seem too bad." He smiled a little, but I knew that smile was about to go away.

"However, there's a Resistance in Inazuma now." I added.

His smile fell as I predicted. "A.. An uprising?" Kazuha asked slowly.

Beidou nodded. "Yup.. And so far, they seem to be doing alright."

"Are you sure we can't head over there, even for a short time??" Kazuha asked frantically.

"Sorry kid, as I told (Y/N) before, we can't return back until next month." Beidou started to grin. "Oh! You also have time to help in the clash, right?"

"The.. The what now?" I said in confusion. Clash?

"The Crux Clash." She repeated.

"The Crux Clash.." Kazuha mumbled to himself, thinking. I couldn't blame him, as the name sounded very familiar.

"Oh yeah, that poster we saw before!" I exclaimed in realization.

"The Crux Clash is where people join up to compete their martial skills." Beidou explained. "However, people with visions can't join, as it gives other people an unfair advantage. I just need your help in the event."

"Sounds good to me." Kazuha nodded, setting his hand down.

"Alright, well, I shall head out now!" Beidou grinned and waved as she walked away. I returned a small wave back, before Kazuha and I started to walk out of the port, back to the Inn.

Our hands intertwined with each other, and our steps are in sync.

Being in Liyue with Kazuha in a month sounds long, but knowing him, we would cherish this month like a year.

"Say, Kazuha." I started to say. He looked at me curiously, eager to hear what my next lines are going to be. "Have you heard about gift giving for the Rite of Descenion?"

"Hm? As in like.." He paused for a second. "Giving gifts to the Geo Archon?"

I nodded. "Apparently, people leave gifts for him during the event, which ranges around flowers, crystals, and food, according to Zhongli."

"I was wondering about leaving something for him, but I want your opinion as well." I added.

"Let's see... Well, seeing as it's the Geo Archon, maybe something like a rock?" Kazuha suggested.

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