Chapter 10

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Stances and Slashes

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"Oh..? And you are?" Kazuha says as he lifts an eyebrow.

I looked behind the man and counted the people behind him. 5 men. One was holding a hammer, some others a bow, or an elemental bomb.

"You better hand over some mora if you wanna get out alive." The man grinned. "You're surrounded, so I suggest you both empty your pockets right now."

The people behind him got their weapons, ready to fire at any time if needed.

Kazuha and I both looked at each other, and I nodded. He lets go of my hand, and places it on his sword.

"Well then, I suppose it wouldn't hurt if I killed you all here." He smiled coldly, letting his vision fall into view. "After all, it's very rude to interrupt someone on a date."

I- What now? A date?

"H-Huh?" One of the people behind him looked at the man, a bit wide eyed. "Sir, that man has a vision!"

"Even better! He can be turned in for money!" He shouted back. The person who said that shook his head, and got back in position.

"Ohhh..." I said teasingly. "Someone's about to get punished." I stepped back in a safe distance, in case one of the hoarders decides to attack me.

Kazuha and I look at each other again, and I nod at him. He grins in response, and snaps out his blade.

"Windstrider!" He yells out as he gets a boost into the air. Immediately, wind engulfed our surroundings.

Immediately, all the men cried out in fear as the wind sucks into one place like a black hole, and while Kazuha is still in mid air, he plunges into all of them, all at once.

Some of them already had passed out, and one is already trying to run away. Kazuha then causes a series of strikes and slashes at the rest of them who were still alive, until they fell onto the ground in defeat.

Once everyone, minus that person who ran away, was on the ground groaning in pain, Kazuha snaps his sword back into its case.

"Y-you're gonna r-regret this..!" The man pointed his shaking finger at Kazuha, but he stepped on his chest, shutting him up.

"And Kazuha remains victorious!" I cheered out as our hands intertwine once again. I gained this sense of adrenaline while watching him fight, that I almost forgot what we were doing.

"Ahem!" He clears out his throat. "I suppose that was a nice demonstration, wasn't it?" He smiled.

I giggled. "Definitely. It's fun to watch you easily defeat anyone who stand in your way." I say, as we both started heading back to the house.

We both headed back in silence, admiring the scenery as we pass by. The sun seemed like it was going to set soon, so we had to walk a bit faster. If I had to go out the house if I wanted to, I would have to be back before the night.

If I'm not, Tomo or Kazuha would assume me captured, or dead.

"Are you doing alright?" He asks, looking at my face if they're any signs of pain or discomfort.

"No- I'm doing alright." I said reassuringly. "I don't feel any pain when I'm walking."

"If you say so." He replies, his thumb gently massaging my knuckles of my hand. I enjoyed this moment, not caring if he sees me as a friend, or his lover.

But I want to cherish this moment until I eventually die.

. . .

"You're back," Tomo looks up from the chair, and looks at the window. "You're quite late. Any minute longer and I would have gone out looking for you two."

"We were deep in the woods, and ran into some treasure hoarders." I explained. Kazuha nodded, backing up my story.

"I see." He says, placing his hand to his chin. "If that's the case, I assume Kaz never actually demonstrated his skills."

Kazuha coughs, clearing his throat, and eyed at Tomo. I smiled, but was actually laughing on the inside.

Tomo chuckled, and stood up from the chair. "I'm just kidding."

"Well, I'm going out again tonight, just to watch the scenery." He says, and makes his way to the door.

He smiled at both of us, and I give him a small wave. Kazuha smiled, and gave him a friendly nod, before he closes the door.

"Haah..." I sighed, and stretched my arms as we both headed back to Kazuha's room. "I had fun today."

He smiles as he sets his blade on a proper stand for it. "I did as well." I set mine next to the stand, and sat on the edge bed, taking in his scent marked on the sheets.

"Any day with you, I enjoy." He grabbed one of my hands, and looked deep into my eyes. My face grew a bit pink at his sudden move.

"I enjoy hanging out with you too.." I said, pulling him onto the bed with me. He awkwardly takes off some of his wandering clothes, as they were uncomfortable, but I didn't mind.

I laughed as he struggled with the shoulder piece.

As he took it off, I cuddled with him, resting my head gently on his collar bone, wrapping my arms around his neck, and pulling his legs next to mine.

He hesitantly wrapped his arms around my chest, and rested his head on mine, gently caressing my back, but still careful not to touch the wound.

We stayed like this for a while, waiting for the tiredness and sleep to finally catch up on us. Our breathing slowly became a rhythm, and I felt my eyes closing already.

"Hey.. (Y/N)..?" He says, his soft tone was calming me down more.

"Yeah..?" I replied back, snuggling my head next to his neck, feeling and familiarizing myself with his warmth.

"I never answered your question..." He gently pulls me closer to him.

"I love you too."

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