3. How I'll Miss You

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    The moon was high overhead when they finally returned to the Palace. Estelle was in less of a giggly mood than before, but for once, she felt relaxed. She hoped that meant there would be no nightmares tonight. Mother knew she needed to sleep for at least a few hours tonight.

    She sprawled out on the bed while Mikael closed the balcony doors. The covers rustled when he sat down beside her. Mikael began to rub soothing circles on her back. "I spoke with Father today, about your nightmares," he said.

    "And?" Estelle mumbled, her cheek pressed against the sheets.

    "He thinks it might have something to do with the fact that we never found out the truth about Ze'ev." Estelle cracked her eyes open, waiting for him to continue.

    "He suggested that you return to the Night Court for a time and do some investigating of your own. Maybe you'll find something that was overlooked the first time. It might put your mind at ease when you see that Ze'ev's gone, without leaving a trace in this world. I promised I'd talk to you about it."

    "If Rhys and Devlon couldn't find anything two years ago, how will I be able to find anything now?" Estelle asked.

    Mikael shrugged. "You likely won't, but the process may help soothe whatever subconscious fears you have. Father also said that being back in your childhood home with your family might comfort you more than anything else could."

    Estelle thought it over briefly. "He may be right. Being home again could be good for me. It would be nice to see my family, and I know they'd try to help however they could." She glanced up at him. "And you'd be able to sleep without me here screaming every night."

    Mikael tilted her face towards his, leaning over her. "I don't care how often you wake up screaming. I don't care how many times you throw up from sheer terror. I don't care if you accidentally hurt me. I don't care how much sleep I lose. I just want you to be all right."

    The Prince of Sunrises carries great concern, the shadows whispered. He longs to help you, but does not know how. Angel of Dawn. Your angel. Your mate.

    Estelle hooked her arms around Mikael's neck and kissed him, stroking the Bond as she did so. "If you want to go, arrangements will be made," he murmured. "And I'll stay here and keep researching necromancy, unless you want me to come with you."

    "I can go by myself." Estelle smiled, holding his gaze. "Celeste has been asking when we intend to have a baby. I think we should both be well rested before we start worrying about that. A little time apart might do us some good."

    "I agree," Mikael chuckled. He trailed a hand down her waist and rested it atop her stomach. Estelle kissed the corners of his mouth. His breath was warm against her cheek.

    She lifted a leg, situating it over his hips. Mikael's hand left her stomach to stroke her thigh. He kissed her as he slipped his hand beneath her dress, running his calloused palm over her leg. Goosebumps prickled her skin.

    "I think," she whispered, "you should show me how much you'll miss me while I'm gone."

    "Oh?" Mikael's voice was a husky growl.

    Heat pooled in her stomach at the sound of it, and a tingle raced down her spine. His fingers found the edge of her underwear and he traced the thin fabric down between her legs. Estelle whimpered as he stroked a particularly sensitive area. Her body tightened with need and she squirmed.

    Mikael unwrapped her leg from his hips and nudged her legs further apart. He pinned them down with his own, all the while teasing her with the tip of his finger. Estelle writhed again, arching her back. Mikael wrapped his hand around her wrists and held them just above her head as he leaned down to kiss her bared throat.

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