24. Relaxing Efforts

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"Another report," Cassian growled, slapping a few pieces of paper onto the table in front of Rhys. Estelle flinched, the sound jarring her out of her thoughts. Shadows curved around her protectively and Cassian shot her an apologetic look.

Mikael glanced up from his seat across the library. He was reading the black book he'd recovered from Under the Mountain, while Amren sat across from him studying the runes from the torture chamber. She too had chosen to stay in the Night Court until the meeting, so she could interpret the cryptic markings.

Rhys took the papers with a sigh and looked them over. "Where can she be hiding all of these people and what is she doing to them?"

What is she doing to Wynter? What is she doing to Evren? Why didn't you tell someone about your dream? Why did you let this happen? Why? Why? Why? Estelle's thoughts screamed at her. She ignored Mikael's tug on the Bond.

"Az is out collecting reports from his spies. He hasn't told me much, but apparently, more and more people are vanishing from the other Courts too," Cassian said.

"Devlon is making sure the war camps are secure? I don't want anymore people being stolen from them."

Cassian nodded. "Gwyn, Emerie, Mor, Nesta, and Seren are in the mountains now, helping him and Jorah spread the word."

The library doors opened as Nyx arrived. "Corbin and Lysander just finished up with the exchange. They'll be back soon. Devlon had something else he wanted their help with before they left." He took in the somber faces around him. "What happened?"

Rhys offered him the report and Nyx read over the pages swiftly. "This meeting can't come soon enough."

"My fathers have offered the use of a conference room in the Palace for the meeting location," Mikael said. "Father said he was going to tell you, but I wasn't sure if he had yet."

Rhys nodded. "Thesan let me know a few days ago, before I sent out letters to everyone."

"Have you received any responses?" Amren asked.

"Quite a few, actually. Kallias and Viviane agreed to come. So did Helion and Larilis. Eris will be there. Thesan, obviously. Drakon and Miryam have already promised to attend. I haven't heard from Tamlin, Tarquin, Jurian, Vassa, or the other Mortal Queens."

"Have Mortals even gone missing?"

"I don't know. Eris was the one who suggested I invite them."

Cassian raised an eyebrow. "Since when do you take suggestions from Eris? Outside of times of desperation and war, that is."

Rhys shot him a stern glare. "Since his wife, his mate, was kidnapped in front of him, and I've seen how unhinged he's become. He is one step away from slaughtering the wrong person, and that person will not be me, or anyone from my Court."

Why? Why? Why? Why? You could have stopped this. You could have warned them. You could have done something. Why didn't you? Why? Why? Why? Why?

"Where's Venelia?" Estelle asked, doing her best to keep her voice from shaking.

"Asleep," Nyx replied. "She wasn't feeling well."

Venelia's beautiful face withering into a hollow skull. White flesh. Black protruding veins. A round stomach. The blood between her legs.

Estelle blinked and clasped her trembling hands together. The shadows curled over her ears. It was a dream. It may not come true. It was just a dream. Just an awful dream.

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