23. Friendly Escapes

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The artwork above is not mine.


    Mikael sat on the edge of Estelle's bed, watching her as she slept. Five days had passed since their meeting with Eris, and they'd barely had a moment to themselves ever since. Mikael and Estelle were staying in the Night Court for now, helping with the preparations for the meeting that would be held within the coming weeks.

    Thesan and Ameer had gathered up a few belongings for Mikael and sent them to him after they returned home. They offered to remain in Velaris as well, but Mikael declined. His friends were still in Windhaven, although the next exchange was occurring in just a few days. He was planning to visit them later today. Who knew when he would get a chance to see them next?

    Besides, Mikael needed to see if things had improved between friends. He knew Celeste and Sienna were doing well, but Calden and Celeste? According to Estelle, that could be going much better. She'd told him about Celeste's renewed advances on Lysander too. Mikael wasn't sure how to feel about that new development.

    On one hand, he wanted them to try to make things work. He'd never seen Celeste as happy as she was with Lysander. But he still couldn't see past the way Celeste had treated his brother. The way she had used him. Estelle hadn't mentioned if Lysander said anything in particular about where his feelings towards Celeste lay, but Mikael knew there was more to the story than he had been told.

    And that seemed to be a reoccurring thing as of late. Mikael still hadn't questioned Estelle about her behavior regarding the news of Wynter and Evren's disappearances, and what other things she might've dreamed about. They hadn't spoken about the warning the creature gave him. They hadn't spoken about anything yet.

    They needed to, but Mikael couldn't find it in himself to ask. Not yet. Not while Estelle seemed so anxious and on edge. Not while her nightmares returned every night, terrifying her to the point where she forced herself to stay awake to avoid them. It was a wonder she'd let herself fall asleep now. Mikael leaned down, brushing his knuckles across her cheek. A few of the shadows wrapped around his wrist.

    He breathed in her scent, smoke and snowdrops, and pressed a kiss to her forehead. Mikael stood, grabbing his swords and sheathing them in between his wings. He adjusted the straps on his brown and beige Peregryn leathers before leaving the bedroom. Mikael closed the door softly behind him.

    Lysander was waiting in the hallway. They fell in step with each other wordlessly, heading down the stairs. Seren was reading in the sitting room as they walked past. "Are you heading to Windhaven?" She called.

    "Yes, Mom," Lysander replied.

    "Where's Estelle?"

    "Asleep." Mikael hovered in the doorway and motioned for Lysander to go on ahead. "Would you keep an eye on her? She's had nightmares all week. She barely lets herself sleep anymore."

    Seren's amber eyes reflected the concern he felt. "Of course. I'll go up and check on her soon." She lifted her gaze to the ceiling, as though already contemplating going. "Thank you for coming, and for staying. I know she doesn't want to admit it, but she needs you here."

    "I know." Mikael smiled. "She likes to do things by herself. She's independent."

    "She is, and sometimes, I think she forgets that it's all right to ask for help. To admit she needs it."

    "Because there was a time she needed help," Mikael said. "And when help came, they both wound up hurt." Seren closed her eyes with a silent nod. "She would rather do it all by herself, and end up hurt or dead, than see someone she cares about wounded."

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