9. Family at Odds

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The artwork above is not mine.


Estelle sat behind an easel, studying the blank canvas upon it. Seren was beside her, already working on a painting of her own. "How did your search in Windhaven go yesterday?" Seren asked. "You never told us if you found anything."

Estelle shook her head, swiping her fingers through white paint. She began to blot it on the canvas. "Nyx went with me, and neither of us found anything."

She stifled a yawn and continued to paint. She'd had another nightmare just last night. One that was bad enough that she stayed awake until dawn, too terrified to try to sleep again. She hadn't reached out to Mikael, despite the shadows urging her to.

"What will you do now?" Seren glanced at her. Estelle quickly reinforced her mental shields, not wanting her mother to pick up on any thoughts or emotions she was having.

"I've been trying to come up with places Ze'ev could have practiced his necromancy in secret. A place that very few people know about. I have an idea, but I want to talk to Dad about it before I do anything else."

Seren nodded and continued to paint. Estelle switched to a shade of gray. She was painting a scene from her nightmare, hoping to get it out of her head. She would likely burn the painting when she was done with it. No one needed to see what hidden creatures lurked within the dark corners of her mind, and she didn't need any reminders either.

Mikael tugged on the Bond. Are you busy?

No, I'm painting.

I haven't been able to find anything on necromancy, even with Calden, Celeste, and Sienna's help. I asked for Wynter's help too while Father and I were in the Winter Court. I only told him what he needed to know, and he agreed to do some research of his own.

That's great.

But, Mikael continued, if he does find something, I have to tell him the entire truth about what's going on.

Estelle sighed, pursing her lips. All right. Just...don't tell him anything about me that he doesn't need to know.

I won't.

I met the female who helped you during the Blood Rite, Morai. She was asking if Sienna will be coming to Windhaven for the next exchange. I think Sienna might have herself a secret admirer.

Really? That's not something you hear every day. Should I mention it to her?

Sure. Tell me what she says.

I will. Did you find anything when you searched Ze'ev's house?

No, Estelle grumbled. I didn't think we would, but I'm still disappointed.


Nyx helped me.

Oh. What will you do now?

Estelle hesitated, eyeing her painting. Mikael waited patiently for her response. She swallowed, then said, I want to search the old torture chamber. The one they took me to.

Wariness crossed the Bond, along with a fierce urge to protect. I'm not sure that's a good idea.

It's the only one I have.


I came here to get answers. I will find them, if it's possible. I know the torture chamber wasn't searched during the initial investigation, because Dad and Ze'ev were the only people who knew how to get there.

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