19. Unmovable

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Estelle fluttered her eyes open, unsure of where she was. Her entire body ached and her head was pounding. Her skin was sticky with blood. Estelle blinked, clearing her vision slightly. She was staring over someone's shoulder. Bat-like wings were slumped against the ground and a blue siphon glittered beneath her cheek. Shadows flickered around her.

Estelle inhaled deeply, catching a whiff of her father's scent, night chilled mist and cedar. She gingerly lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck. Azriel squeezed her tighter. "You came," she whispered.

"You needed me."

Estelle made a sound halfway between a laugh and a sob. Tears blurred her vision. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come alone. The shadows warned me...but I didn't listen. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Dad."

Her own shadows curled around her shoulders and ears. You were determined. You wanted answers. We understand. A few of them brushed across her cheeks. But sometimes, we know better than you. You should listen to us.

"It's all right. What's important is that you're safe," Azriel replied.

"Is she awake?"

Estelle recognized Lysander's voice, though she couldn't see him. Azriel nodded and his arms loosened around her. Before she had a chance to react, Lysander had pulled her away from Azriel and was hugging her hard enough that she could barely breathe.

"Never...NEVER, do that again, Essie," he scolded. "I've had just about enough of seeing my sister on her deathbed."

"I've had enough of being on it," she answered. "I'm sorry, Lys."

She peered past his shoulder and saw the cave. Nyx and Corbin emerged from it. Their eyes widened at the sight of her. Lysander let her go and both of them swept her into their arms. "You had us worried," Corbin said.

"Venelia has probably told everyone back in Velaris what's going on," Nyx added.

"Do you think she told Seren?" Azriel asked.

"It's possible."

Azriel sighed. "As long as she's with Feyre, or Mor, or someone. We don't need her trying to find her way here too, or panicking alone."

"I'm sure Mom is with her," Nyx replied. "She would've gone to check on Aunt Seren as soon as she found out." Corbin backed away and Nyx hugged Estelle harder. "We should get you home so Madja can double check your injuries."

Estelle's hand drifted down to her stomach. Her leathers were torn and wet with blood, but she couldn't feel any open wounds. Just a few new scars. "Who healed me?"

Her heartbeat quickened as she scented the air. Among the scents of her family, she picked up another familiar one. Morning dew and crisp mountain air. "Who healed me?" She repeated.

"Mikael," Nyx replied. Estelle shuddered with relief and she rested her forehead against Nyx's shoulder. Tears rolled down her cheeks. "He's inside with Dad and Cassian. They're studying the runes and corpses."

"Take me to him." Estelle couldn't keep the tremble from her voice. "Please. Please take me to him." She reached for the Bond and gave it a sharp tug. Mikael didn't respond.

"You're not going back in there," Azriel said. "It's warded against magic, and the wards have been strengthened since we were last here. Lys, go get him."

Lysander nodded and returned to the cave. Estelle clung to Nyx, unable to stop her tears from falling. Mikael was here! He'd come for her. He was here. He was here. He was... Mikael sprinted into view, his beautiful feathered wings ruffled with nervous excitement. He scanned the group until he caught sight of her.

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