18. Reminiscent Screams

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    Mikael couldn't ease the pounding of his heart as they appeared in Velaris, just beyond the gates of Azriel and Seren's townhouse. Thesan released him and Mikael sprinted up the marble steps. He threw the doors open.

    Dark shadows swirled before him as he entered. Azriel appeared, clutching Truth-Teller in one hand. His siphons flared with power. Mikael raised his free hand. "It's me. Where's Estelle?"

    "In her room," Azriel grumbled, lowering his dagger. "Asleep, like any sane person would be."

    Thesan crossed his arms, lingering in the doorway behind Mikael. "He was adamant that we come."

    "Estelle won't answer me." Mikael shouldered past Azriel, heading up the stairs. "And I found something important. Something she needs to see."

    Azriel and Thesan followed him up the stairs. "Be quiet," Azriel hissed. "Don't wake Seren."

    Mikael barely nodded. Estelle's scent was strong as he reached her room. Please let her be here. Please just let her be asleep, he prayed silently.

    He opened her door softly. Estelle's bed was unmade, and there was no sign of her. The bathroom door wasn't closed. Mikael entered the room. His heart skipped a beat. Her balcony doors hung open. Azriel entered behind him. He bolted to the bed, staring at the empty hollow where Estelle had slept. Shadows curled over his ears and his eyes widened, obviously in fear.

    "Where is she?" Mikael demanded. Azriel didn't reply. "Where is she?" He took a step forward, his voice dropping to a growl. "Where is my mate?"

    Thesan grabbed him by the shoulder and hauled him back. "Mikael, no."

    Azriel ran a scarred hand over his mouth and down his chin. "I should've just agreed to take her."

    "Take her where?" Mikael asked.

    Azriel strode out the door. "Wake Lysander. I'm going to get Rhys and Cassian. Do not let Seren hear you. I don't want this to scare her." He left the room without another word.

    Mikael stared at the empty bed, fear gripping his mind. "Don't worry," Thesan murmured soothingly. "It sounds like Azriel knows where she is. I'm sure she's fine."

    "No, she's not. I think I know where she is too." Mikael raked his fingers through his hair. Estelle, please tell me you didn't go to the torture chamber on your own. How did you even find it? I thought Azriel had refused to show you the way. She didn't respond. Estelle, can you hear me?

    "Ameer is back at the Palace," Thesan said.

    "You can go if you need to."

    "Will you be all right?"

    Mikael nodded, a lump forming in his throat. "Once we find Estelle."

    Thesan hugged him briefly. "Let me know when you do." Mikael nodded and his father left the room.

    He lingered in the bedroom only a few minutes longer, breathing in Estelle's warm scent. Mikael headed down the hallway to Lysander's room. He didn't bother knocking. He threw the door open, summoning light to his fingertips. Lysander bolted upright, his hand vanishing beneath his pillow.

    Mikael saw a glint of steel. "It's me, Lys," he said quickly.

    "What are you doing here?" Lysander asked, rubbing his eyes groggily. He dropped his dagger and sat up. His eyes flew wide open. "Shit, it's Estelle, isn't it?"

    Mikael nodded and Lysander toppled out of bed. He dashed around his room, tripping into a pair of pants and a shirt. The male stepped into his closet and grabbed a pair of leathers.

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