44. Racing the Undead

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    Mikael tripped down the stairs and was on his feet before the pain could register. He ran down a lengthy corridor, heading towards a sitting room where he knew the others were gathered. His thoughts spun at dizzying speeds.

    He had just spoken to Estelle! Somehow, she'd reached him! She was alive. He actually spoke to her! She'd given him something they could use. A way to find Melantha's hideout. A way to help Wynter, by saving Ellie.

    Mikael had recognized the female that Estelle showed him. Ellie was the female they'd seen one day in Nivis. He only hoped he could find her before Melantha's forces did. He hoped they hadn't found her already.

    Mikael grabbed the doorframe and guided himself inside the sitting room, gasping breathlessly. Thesan and Ameer were at his side instantly. "What is it?" Thesan asked.

    "Estelle spoke to me," Mikael panted. "She showed me an image of the land beyond Melantha's fortress. She gave me a warning too." He faced Kallias. "I need to go to the Winter Court. I have to find someone named Ellie. She's important to Wynter, and Melantha is going after her."

    "Show me what you saw," Rhysand instructed. Cold talons scraped against Mikael's mental shields. He lowered them, allowing the High Lord to see the landscape Estelle had shown him. "Helion, do you recognize this place?" Rhysand asked. His presence withdrew and Mikael restored his shields.

    All was silent for a few moments, then Helion answered, "It looks like the island Inmortui, but that's impossible. It's a legend, not a real place."

    "How many times have we believed that and been proven wrong?" Eris pointed out. "What is this place?"

    "It was believed to exist in the Eastern Sea," Helion replied. "It is an unnatural and cursed place. It's very name means Undead. Creatures that are killed there do not really die. Their bodies continue to haunt the land until they crumble into dust. The stories claim the island was destroyed by a volcanic eruption, which shook the island to its core, breaking it apart and sinking it to the bottom of the sea."

    "Well, it sounds like the perfect place for a necromancer to live and practice their art," Tarquin huffed.

    "Is it possible that the island is real and was never destroyed?" Viviane asked. "Melantha could be warding it, like how Cretea is warded."

    Helion rubbed his forehead. Larilis took his hand in her own. "It seems nothing is impossible anymore," he sighed.

    Mikael's feathers ruffled impatiently. "I did mention that there's someone in the Winter Court I was told to find."

    Kallias rose and Viviane joined him. "We'll come with you. Maybe we can help you find this Ellie," Viviane said.

    "We'll begin working on a plan to rescue the hostages," Thesan promised, squeezing Mikael's shoulder. "In fact, I think I already have an idea."

    Mikael nodded and breezed out of the sitting room, with Kallias and Viviane on his heels. Lysander, Celeste, and Calden appeared up ahead, striding towards them. "We were looking for you," Calden said.

    "What's going on?" Lysander knit his brows.

    "Can they come with us? They could help if we run into Melantha's forces," Mikael said to Kallias. The High Lord bowed his head and the three of them fell in step with the group. Quickly, Mikael explained the situation to them.

    "Can you describe Ellie to me?" Viviane asked once he'd finished. "Are there any details about her that might help us locate her faster?"

    "She's rather short for High Fae," Mikael replied. "She has pale skin, blue eyes, and black hair. She works as a governess for three young children. Their names all start with the letter M?"

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