30. Squabbling Children

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In her dream, she saw terror. Ze'ev held her by the arm, leading her through the underground cavern. He showed her the people who had vanished from their homes. He told her things. Things only the dead could know.

Always, that fair skinned, dark haired female was watching. She did not speak. She did not move. At least, not at first. Ze'ev paused beside a familiar female. Frightened tears dripped down her cheeks and matted red hair framed her dirt streaked face.

The High Lady of Autumn knelt beside her, as close as she could get. There were iron shackles around her ankles. The chains were embedded in the wall close by. She leaned closer, wiping tears from the female's face and saying something inaudible. The red haired female nodded and dried her tears, but continued to shiver.

The only male in the room approached them. The Prince of Winter wore no chains and seemed able to walk where he chose. He pulled off his long sleeved tunic and helped the female into it. She gave him a grateful smile, though fear lurked within the emerald depths of her eyes.

The Witch was moving now. A dark skinned female scrambled out of her path and cowered near a wall. The movement was unnatural. She never cowered. She never showed fear. But she was now doing both.

The High Lady glared up at the Witch, not a hint of fear in her eyes. She gripped the young mother's hand tightly, refusing to move. The Prince stood between them and the Witch.

The dark female's crimson lips curled into a smile. She tucked a finger beneath the male's chin, her body language portraying an air of condescension. He held her gaze, refusing to submit.

Fury flashed through cold black eyes. She slammed her fist into his gut. He doubled over, white hair tumbling over his shoulders. She drove her elbow into his back, knocking him to his knees. The Witch grabbed his face roughly, slivers of red dotting his skin beneath her talon-like nails.

She snarled something at him, pointing to the two females he protected. She grinned as the color drained from his already pale face. The Witch vanished from sight, leaving only pain and fear in her wake.

Ze'ev forced her to watch and she didn't struggle. For once, she wanted to see what the dream was showing her. She wanted to know what was happening in the lair they could not find. She only wished she could hear what was being said. She wished she could let the prisoners know that she was there, and help was coming.

Ze'ev whispered one last warning to her as the dream began to fade. "Her lips are stained for a reason, and she is not truly bloodless."


Estelle stepped into her Illyrian leathers and secured all seven of her golden siphons in their proper places. She sheathed Znaniya at her thigh and Aesira between her wings. Mikael adjusted the straps on his white and gold Illyrian leathers. Estelle watched him from the corner of her eye as he ruffled his feathers and smoothed them again. She turned, running her fingers over their ivory softness. Mikael's throat bobbed and he lowered his head.

"Do you think they'll believe us?" He asked.

"Yes. They've all lost someone, whether or not they realize it." She bit her lip nervously. Tamlin was bound to find out about Venelia's disappearance, and when he learned that she was pregnant as well...

"Let's hope Drakon, Miryam, Vassa, or Jurian have some new information to give us," Mikael sighed.

"I had a dream last night," she blurted out. Mikael glanced at her in surprise. "I saw them. All of them. They're alive. I know they are."

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