26. Intensity of Affection

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    Estelle matched Mikael's intensity, kissing him as he dragged the covers off her body. She cupped his face in her hands and he pressed her against his chest. One of his hands slid down her waist and over her hip, leaving a trail of sparks in its wake. Estelle tingled with anticipation.

    Mikael pulled her into an upright position. Estelle twisted at his behest and settled onto his lap. Mikael grunted at the contact between their bodies. She wasn't quite on him yet, but he was already hard and pressed up against the throbbing place between her legs.

    He splayed his hand over her throat, angling her head aside so he could kiss her neck. Estelle half closed her eyes. "Don't move your hand," she breathed.

    "I thought I was the one who liked being choked," he laughed onto her shoulder. Estelle shifted her wings into a more comfortable position.

    "Well, I'm beginning to understand the appeal."

    "More pressure?"

    Estelle shook her head. "Just like this." Mikael's other hand drifted between her legs. She swallowed a moan as his thumb teased her already aching center. "I don't know what to do with my hands right now."

    "Touch me." He kissed the length of her neck again, his tongue aiding his lips.

    Estelle let her hand fall and wrapped it around him. He groaned beside her ear, lifting his hips. She stroked him firmly, her hand brushing his occasionally. He slid the tip of his thumb in, and pleasure jolted through her.

    Mikael rested his forehead on her shoulder, panting and shuddering as she squeezed him. She moved her hand as Mikael guided her off his lap briefly. He shifted and brought her down again. Estelle moaned as he filled her with one swift movement. Mikael began to thrust his hips up. Estelle rolled her own, pleasure flooding her senses.

    Mikael's breathing was ragged as he kissed her neck and jaw. "I was right," he groaned. "You feel..." He was interrupted by a loud moan. "So fucking good."

    "Mikael..." she whimpered.

    "Was I right about how I feel?"

    Estelle couldn't form words. She just nodded with an indistinguishable sound. She lowered her hand again, stroking what little of him wasn't inside her. Mikael shuddered, and the sensation sent shivers down her spine.

    "Oh, fuck," Mikael moaned. "I'm taking you like this every time. Fucking Cauldron, Love." He was moaning again. "Every fucking time."

    Estelle glanced at him over her shoulder. Heat simmered within his half lidded eyes. His forehead glistened, but not with sweat. Golden light radiated from his skin. Estelle caressed the Bond. Angel of Dawn. Prince of Sunrises, she said.

    She made a small sound as he curved his palms over her breasts. Her heart hammered against her ribs and she was certain he could feel it. Mikael nuzzled her neck, rubbing his thumbs in firm teasing circles over the sensitive peaks of her breasts.

    "Mikael..." A pleasured ache welled up in the pit of her stomach. He ground into her, his movements hard and steady. She could scarcely breathe as moans spilled past her lips.

    Mikael's mouth laid fiery brands on her skin. He shivered with each sound she made. "Come for me, Estelle."

    "But you aren't...there yet," she gasped.

    "Doesn't matter." He was interrupted by a groan. "I promised to give it to you rough too, didn't I?"


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