25. The Prince's Promise

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Estelle packed the last of her things with a small sigh. The time had finally come for them to return to the Dawn Court. While it had been nice to be back in the Night Court for a while, she was relieved to be going home. She knew Mikael was too. He was struggling to contain his excitement.

Estelle situated her siphons atop her leathers and sheathed her sword and dagger. She scanned the room, making sure she hadn't missed anything. Mikael sheathed his swords in between his wings and waved a hand over their bags. At once, they vanished from sight.

"We have to unpack all of that when we get home," Estelle sighed.

"Not right away," Mikael replied. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close as he kissed her.

"Yes, right away," she laughed. "If I don't unpack as soon as we get there, I'll never get around to it."

"What if I unpack while you take a nap?" She raised an eyebrow. "I know you're tired," Mikael said. "And you should rest while you can before the meeting. Everyone will arrive within the next two days and we'll become very busy."

"My nightmares..." Estelle began.

"They don't seem to come when you're napping. Only when you're in a deep sleep."

"We'll see. I have to help everyone else get settled, and Morai gave me a letter to pass on to Sienna."

"All right." Mikael kissed her again. "Then let's get going. It sounds like we have a lot to do."

They left the room and headed down the stairs. Azriel, Seren, and Lysander were waiting near the front door. Estelle hugged her brother tightly, then her mother. "Take care," Seren said. "We'll be coming soon. I love you."

"I love you too, Mom." Estelle pulled away and turned to Azriel. He wrapped her in a tight embrace, kissing her hair.

"You'll be all right on your own?" Azriel asked.

"I won't be on my own, Dad. Mikael, Thesan, and Ameer will be there. Nyx, Venelia, Rhys, and Feyre are coming with us too."

"You know what I mean."

Estelle smiled. "I do. I'll be fine. It will be nice to be home and sleep in my own bed."

"I'm still not used to hearing you refer to the Dawn Court that way."

"I'm not either. I love you, Dad."

"I love you too, Little Bat. I'll see you at the meeting."

Estelle drew back. Mikael took her hand as they walked out the door. They spread their wings and flew across the Sidra towards Rhys and Feyre's estate. Their four companions were already waiting near the gates. Rhys and Nyx winnowed them to the Dawn Court without further delay.


Estelle opened her eyes and saw the glistening opalescent walls of the Palace. They were standing out on a veranda. A cool breeze wafted through the air, proof that autumn would soon be setting in.

"Mikael!" Thesan exclaimed, appearing under an archway with Ameer at his side. Mikael released Estelle and joined his fathers. Thesan hugged him, while Ameer inclined his head to the rest of them.

"Rooms have been prepared for you," the Peregryn said. "I'll show you to them." He squeezed Mikael's shoulder and gave Estelle a warm smile, before beckoning for Rhys, Feyre, Nyx, and Venelia to follow him.

Thesan released Mikael and hugged Estelle. "It's good to have you back, Daughter."

"It's good to be back," Estelle replied with a grin. "I didn't realize how much I'd miss this place."

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