13. Challenges

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Estelle ran down the stairs, sheathing Aesira at her back and Znaniya against her thigh. She made sure all seven of her golden siphons were secure upon her leathers as she reached the main floor of the house.

Voices drifted from the sitting room close by. Estelle paused, pointed ears straining as she listened. The shadows curled over them, letting her hear what was being said. It was her parents speaking.

"Cass and I have to visit a few of the war camps today," Azriel said. "The Warlords have been reporting missing novices. There's been eight disappearances this week, and we're not any closer to discovering what's going on."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out," Seren replied. "You always do.

Azriel sighed. "I hope you're right."

"What else is bothering you?"

"Nosy," he teased. "Am I the Spymaster or are you?" Her mother didn't reply, though Estelle heard a quiet laugh. "A novice has gone missing from Windhaven. Devlon and Jorah reported it this morning."

"Windhaven?" There was a hint of fear in Seren's voice. "Do you think Estelle and Lysander are in any danger? Nyx, Corbin, and Venelia?"

Estelle swallowed as her father hesitated. "I'm not sure. The disappearances seem random. There's nothing that ties any of the missing people together, or to our children."

"Could it have something to do with what Estelle is investigating?" Again, Azriel hesitated. "I know you don't want to...but maybe you need to take her to the chamber. She seems to think there's something there, and what if she's right?"

"I'm not going back there and I'm not taking her either."


"No," he snapped. 

Estelle flinched, despite herself. She knew her mother had too. Seren had always been sensitive towards loud angry voices. Estelle never asked why, but she knew her father was usually careful not to raise his voice at her.

"No." Azriel's voice was gentle this time. "I can't take Estelle back there. I won't."

"I know what happened there was traumatizing for you both, but..."

"I can't," he said firmly. "Traumatizing doesn't begin to cover what happened there. It was...it was almost worse than when Beron was torturing you and you wouldn't talk to me. You have no idea..." his voice caught and Estelle inched closer to the room.

Azriel had never talked to her about what happened. She had never spoken to him about it either. The night they came home, they'd let Madja heal them and Azriel had given his account of things to her aunts and uncles while she stayed in her room with Lysander, Corbin, and Nyx.

Afterwards, Azriel came to her room. They didn't say a word to each other the entire night. Estelle had just lain awake in her father's arms, unable to sleep. Unable to wipe the images of what had happened...of what she'd done...from her mind.

Azriel hadn't screamed when they tortured him. Not when they carved skin from his stomach and wings. Not when they'd driven nails through his scarred palms and shattered one of his legs. Not when they'd taunted him by holding a white hot poker over his eyes.

No, Azriel hadn't screamed for himself. But he'd screamed for her. Estelle would never forget the sound. He'd screamed when Ze'ev held a blade to her throat as he ripped her clothes off. Azriel had tried to look away, but Ze'ev's father and brothers forced him to watch. He had screamed when Ze'ev pinned her to the wall and shoved her legs apart. He'd screamed until his voice broke, and Estelle was left limp and bleeding on the floor.

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