49. Barriers and Reunions

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Wynter winnowed them to a small island just beyond Cretea, where the others had gathered when Nesta wielded the Cauldron. Estelle clung to Mikael, the weeks of malnourishment and inactivity catching up to her. She was sore, exhausted, and starving.

Nyx was the first to spot them. "You're alive!" He exclaimed. The others whirled around, their eyes wide with surprise. Nyx sprinted towards them and pulled Estelle into a tight hug. He embraced Mikael a moment later.

"Is my father all right?" Mikael asked.

"I'm fine." Thesan stepped into view, one arm draped over Ameer's shoulders for support. Mikael hugged them both with a sigh of relief.

"How did you survive the Cauldron?" Nesta asked, shouldering through the crowd.

"It was a group effort," Estelle replied. "Where are my parents?"

"Back in the Night Court. I'll tell Az to come to the Dawn Court as soon as we leave," Rhys promised.

Estelle nodded, turning back to Thesan and Ameer. They both embraced her with warm smiles. "Are you all right?" Thesan asked.

"And the baby?" Ameer added.

Estelle glanced at Mikael, worry pricking her mind. "I think so, but..."

Mikael slid an arm around her waist and kissed her forehead. "Mavis will look you over as soon as we get home."

"Could Madja come too?" Estelle asked. She peered past Ameer's wings and caught Rhys' eye. He gave a small nod and she felt a twinge of relief.

The White Knight is uneasy, the shadows murmured.

Wynter? Estelle asked. You gave him a nickname? A shadow nudged her cheek in response. She looked back over her shoulder.

Kallias and Viviane stood close to Wynter, although neither of them touched him. His arms were wrapped tightly around himself as he spoke to his parents. Kallias reached for him, then hesitated. Wynter gave a hesitant nod and his father touched his shoulder gently. It seemed like Viviane was struggling to keep from reaching out to Wynter, but she managed to somehow.

"Let's go home," Thesan sighed. "I'm tired."

"You're tired?" Mikael arched an eyebrow. "We just survived the Cauldron."

"My head is screaming at me," Estelle admitted. "And I'm starving."

"We'll find whatever you'd like once we get to the Palace," Ameer promised. "And Thesan is right. It's time to go home." They each touched a hand to the High Lord and he winnowed them back to the Dawn Court.


Wynter winnowed himself to the Palace of the Dawn Court. His heart was racing and his skin crawled. He was exhausted, both mentally and physically. The only things that sounded remotely appealing to him were a long bath and falling asleep, but he was half afraid to attempt the latter.

You will never escape me, She'd said. I've made sure of that.

And she was right. Wynter knew he'd be haunted by what had happened for months, maybe years, or even centuries. His body bore scars from her teeth and nails. From her blades. But there were scars that ran deeper still. Scars that weren't visible on his flesh. Hidden scars and open wounds. Wounds that might never heal.

Wynter felt his parents' eyes on him, but he didn't look at them. He almost couldn't bear to. He'd barely been able to let his father touch him, and he refused to let his mother even try. He couldn't live with himself if his mother tried to embrace him and he panicked or felt sick. What kind of son would that make him?

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