46. False Surrender

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Mikael was dizzy with anticipation as he tugged on his white and gold Illyrian leathers and sheathed his swords between his wings. Their seven days were up. It was time to meet with Melantha and enact the plan the High Lords had concocted.

Mikael was trying not to be too optimistic, but he couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, this plan would actually work. His father's idea was a smart one. They would never be able to find Inmortui on their own, so why not let Melantha take them there? They would give her exactly what she wanted, and she would unwittingly do the same for them.

Once they were on the island, Helion and Lucien would destroy the shields and wards around the fortress. The island too, if possible. The two of them were guarding themselves with a special type of shield. It was almost impenetrable, and would protect them from the nullifying effects of the wards Melantha had set. They would have access to their magic while on the island.

The rest of them would be powerless until the wards were broken, but that was part of the plan. They had to keep Melantha distracted while the wards were destroyed. They would let her take them to the prisoners, then launch an attack. While Melantha was disoriented, Helion and Lucien would break the wards. A few of them would free the prisoners, and they would winnow off Inmortui, just before it was destroyed.

The final part of the plan had been Tamlin's idea, surprisingly. He pointed out that if the legends were true and Inmortui was cursed so that the dead would not really die, they had to destroy the island to truly destroy Melantha. Nesta and Mor were already on their way to Cretea to prepare for the feat that would bring about Melantha's destruction.

Mikael loosed a heavy breath and stepped out onto the balcony. The autumn breeze was cool as it drifted past his feathers. He gazed across the mountains, swallowing hard. If they failed today, Melantha would have it all. The Courts, the Mortal Lands... Prythian.

He knew their people would not accept her willingly. Already, they were preparing for war. Azriel, Seren, and Cassian had returned to the Night Court to help Jorah arrange their forces. Devlon was in the Mortal Lands with Jurian, accompanied by a few war camps of Illyrians and over a hundred Peregryns.

Ameer had made Calden a Captain and tasked him with protecting the Dawn Court, along with Thesan's generals. Keitha and Eris' generals left for the Autumn Court the night before. The Summer Court was protected by Amren and Varian. The soldiers of the Day, Spring, and Winter Courts were gathered and awaiting the orders of their generals.

Mikael drew a measured breath and left his room. He started down the hall towards Nyx and Venelia's. The door was already cracked open and the room was full. Tamlin sat beside Venelia, speaking to her quietly. Nyx wasn't far from the bed, his sapphire gaze fixed on Tamlin. In the far corner of the room, Juliette and Ellie were entertaining Castiel. Lysander and Corbin were silent sentries beside the door.

"You'll be safe here," Mikael murmured as he joined Ellie and Juliette. "My father strengthened the wards and shields over the Palace, and there are guards and Peregryns patrolling the mountainside."

"We're not afraid," Juliette replied. "Not for ourselves, anyway." She twisted the gold wedding band around her finger, biting her lip.

"Keitha will be fine."

"Yes, she will." Juliette's lips tilted up in a smile.

Ellie stood and inched closer to Mikael. "We'll keep an eye on Nyx's mate," she said. Mikael gave her a grateful smile. "And I hope you find yours."

Mikael stiffened, crossing his arms. "I won't leave that island until I do." Ellie lowered her gaze. Mikael touched her shoulder briefly. "And we won't leave without Wynter, either." She nodded slowly.

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