47. Resurgence

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    Mikael lunged for the corpse that held his swords. Eris was already sprinting towards Melantha, brandishing his bone weapon. Rhysand and Feyre flanked him. Ameer, Kallias, and Tamlin formed a protective barrier around Helion and Lucien. Their palms glowed gold with magic as they tore into Melantha's wards and shields.

    The other High Lords, Ladies, and the Mortal Queens were quickly reclaiming their weapons as well. Mikael tackled the corpse to the ground and pried Alethea and Lovis from its grasp. He drove Lovis through its heart and rolled to his feet.

    Mikael flared a wing out, knocking several corpses down. Thesan sprang to his side, decapitating two of them. Mikael speared the heart of another. Eris and Rhysand were locked in battle with Melantha. Mikael froze, recognizing the weapons she wielded. His lips curled into a snarl. He gave a thrust of his wings and landed before Melantha.

    "Those don't belong to you," he growled.

    "Come and get them, Bastard," she taunted.

    Eris and Rhysand gave Mikael short nods and the three of them closed in on the Witch. Melantha tipped her head back with a laugh. Eris lunged and his bone glanced off Aesira. Rhysand's Illyrian sword met Znaniya. Mikael reversed Lovis in one hand and attacked.

    Melantha made good use of both of Estelle's blades, parrying Mikael's blows. She dropped low, sweeping Eris' legs out from under him. Eris dodged her next attack and Mikael saw an opening. He sliced Alethea through Melantha's side. Blood leaked from the wound and she stared at him, her black eyes darkening.

    Wails and shrieks filled the air. The corpses echoed them. Mikael jumped as a bony hand burst through the ground beside his foot. Eris tackled Mikael aside as more corpses rose up behind him.

    "Free the prisoners," the High Lord ordered.

    Mikael nodded and bolted to his feet. He found Larilis and five of the Mortal Queens already working on freeing Evren and Elain. Mikael jammed Lovis through the lock on Cresseida's cell door. With a sharp twist, the lock clicked and the door sprang open.

    Mikael entered and scanned the glass tank. There had to be an easy way to get her out if Melantha removed her from the tank for two hours each day. He flew to the top of the tank, eyeing the lid. It was bolted down and sealed, likely with magic. The wards still weren't broken, so he wouldn't be able to access his own to open it.

    He returned to the ground and reversed both swords in his grasp. Mikael drove their pommels into the glass siding of the tank. A small crack appeared. Mikael hit it again, and again, and again. The glass kept splintering. Cresseida closed her mouth and let herself sink beneath the water level. She braced her arms on one side of the tank and kicked at the cracks. The glass groaned.

    Cresseida floated back up, sucking in more air. Mikael hit the cracks again. Flecks of glass fell at his feet. Cresseida returned, kicking as the cracks continued to spread. Mikael gestured for her to move out of the way. She resurfaced and he fitted Alethea's blade into one of the larger cracks. Mikael jammed the blade through the glass with a solid push.

    Glass splintered and shattered. He shielded himself with his wings as debris and water rained down. Cresseida began coughing and gasping as she was finally able to draw a full breath. Mikael sheathed his swords and slipped an arm beneath hers, dragging her to her feet. Cresseida shivered as they left the cell.

    "Take her. I'm going to get Estelle," he said as they reached the Queens and Larilis. Larilis held a weeping Evren, stroking her hair softly. One of the Queens was helping Elain stand. Two of them took Cresseida from him and Mikael ran back towards the writhing throng.

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