12. Circling Concerns

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    The days were passing dreadfully slow. Mikael spent most of his time in the library, researching by himself. Calden, Celeste, and Sienna had all gone to Windhaven during the training exchange a week ago, and they'd be there for the next month. He was hoping for news about Estelle while they were gone.

    She'd been very quiet recently, talking to him only when necessary. Otherwise, she simply stroked the Bond every now and then. It worried Mikael, especially because he knew her nightmares were continuing. He hadn't felt her panic again as he had the night she came home, but he still jerked awake when she tugged on the Bond, the sound of her quiet sobs echoing through his head.

    He wasn't sure how much longer he could bear it. The thought occurred to him daily. Just a little longer. She'll come home soon. Just a little longer. A little longer was steadily becoming too long. Mikael knew that if she suffered from another particularly bad nightmare again, he would go to the Night Court. He'd said he would, and he would keep his word.

    He wrote to Seren often, asking for updates on Estelle when she wouldn't speak to him. Nyx and Venelia sent him a few letters every now and then. As did Lysander and Corbin. Recalling Lysander sent an entirely new set of worries spiraling through Mikael's head.

    Calden had not apologized to Celeste before they left for Windhaven, and she didn't apologize to him either, although she'd mostly patched things up with Sienna. Mikael knew the tension between them would be noticed by Nyx, Lysander, and Corbin. He didn't want that to cause problems among them as well. He certainly didn't want things to worsen between Lysander and Celeste.

    Mikael raked his fingers through his hair with a frustrated sigh. The words beneath his finger blurred together and he slammed the book shut. He tipped his head back, forcing himself to draw even breaths. He swallowed hard, feeling the dark fog of anxiety tugging at the edges of his mind. Mikael scrubbed at his face, trying to force the feeling aside.

    The last thing Estelle needed was to see her friends at odds with one another. She certainly didn't need her brother and cousins dragged into the mixture. Why wasn't she talking to him? Mikael reached for the Bond and gave it a sharp tug. Estelle returned the pull, but said nothing.

    Batsy, he called, his voice shaking even mentally.

    Her concern drifted towards him. What's wrong?

    Are things all right between Calden, Celeste, Sienna, and the Boys?

    I think so. I haven't been in Windhaven since the exchange. The Boys have gone to Rita's with Calden and Sienna a few times. Celeste is mostly keeping to herself. Lysander said she tried to talk to him, but he left because he knew he would just get angry, and things are tense enough between them already.

    What about Sienna and Morai?

    I don't know. I'll look in on everyone later, if you want me to. Mikael's hands shook as he rested his head in his palms. Umbra and a few other shadows curved around his shoulders comfortingly. Mikael?

    And you're doing all right? You've been so quiet lately...

    I'm fine. I've been doing some more investigating and spending time with Venelia, Mom, and my aunts. They're taking very good care of me. It's getting a little annoying. Her voice carried a hint of laughter, and Mikael felt some of his panic fade. Why is your voice shaking, Feathers? Why are you anxious?

    He crossed his arms on the table and rested his head in them. I'm tired, he said simply. Tired of researching and finding no answers. Tired of being alone. Tired of being apart from you. When are you coming home, or when can I come to you?

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