37. Blood Spattered Summons

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    Hoarse coughs wracked Venelia's body. She was curled up beside Evren, her head resting in the High Lady's lap. Evren stroked her auburn hair, eyes dim with worry. Estelle caressed the Mating Bond, closing her eyes as her headache ran its course.

    I wish you could hear me, she said over the Bond. This makes me think of the Blood Rite. We couldn't hear or feel each other, but you kept looking for me. We refused to believe that something had happened to the other. I know you're looking for me now. I know everyone is looking for us. All of us. If there was a way we could help, we'd do it in a heartbeat.

    Estelle traced her fingers over one of the shadows. I miss you, Mikael. Tears stung her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. I'm sorry my plan got us into this mess. I'm sorry for everything that has happened.

    She opened her eyes as the metal door grated open. Wynter receded further into his shadowy corner. Estelle angled herself towards the stairwell, partially spreading her wings in an attempt to shield Wynter from view. Cresseida and Elain sat up, chains rattling around their wrists.

    Melantha appeared, wearing an unnaturally bright smile. "Today is a very important day for all of you. I'm sure you're curious why I've brought you here and kept you alive." She strode further into the cell, kicking a bucket aside. The last of their meager water supply seeped into the cracks of the stone floor.

    "What do you want from us?" Evren demanded.

    "Your deaths." Melantha picked at her sharp nails. Nails that had torn through the skin of Wynter's back. "I want Prythian, but I can't have it unless all of its rulers are dead."

    "I like to be fair, as I've stated before. Your people don't have to die or go to war with me. Why waste their lives when I only need kill you? Once you're all dead, they'll be given a choice. They can swear fealty to me, or die as well. When they see the strength of my forces, I think I know which option they'll prefer."

    "If you want us dead, why haven't you killed us already?" Elain asked.

    "Because I need you to lure the other High Lords, Ladies, and Heirs into surrendering. The Mortal Queens too, of course. I want all of Prythian."

    Estelle narrowed "You said one of us will leave here alive."

    "Yes. Can you guess who?" Melantha pulled a sealed letter from a fold in her gown. "All High Lords, Ladies, Heirs, and future Heirs must be eliminated. She must die," Melantha pointed at Evren. "And her." The finger shifted to Elain. "Her as well. She represents two Courts." She pointed at Venelia. "And you, little Shadowsinger."

    "Wynter is an Heir so he should die too." Melantha peered past Estelle's wings. "Although, I'm half tempted to keep him around. I'll need heirs of my own someday. That just leaves us with you." Her black gaze settled on Cresseida. "The cousin of a High Lord. You alone might survive this."

    "If I do, I will spend the rest of my life fighting to rid the land of your foul carcass," Cresseida spat in a moment of bravery.

    Melantha tipped her head back with a laugh. "I'm sure you will."

    "Why do you want Prythian?" It was Venelia who whispered the question.

    "Because I deserve it," Melantha replied simply. "I was once Human, and now I'm High Fae. I have a right to these lands, where Mortals and Fae abound."

    "Why don't you take the Black Lands?" Estelle sneered. "I'm sure you'd fit right in there."

    Melantha's smile faded and she narrowed her eyes. "I debated between capturing you or your mate, Shadowsinger," she said. Her voice carried the hint of a growl. "Perhaps I should settle for both. Mikael Anik is a very fine specimen, despite the unfortunate circumstances of his birth. I'd have to keep you separated of course, and make sure you could never reach each other, but it might be nice to have two males in my bed."

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