17. Erratic Decisions

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    "Father!" Mikael hollered as he burst through the main entrance of the Palace. Twilight was descending rapidly. He hadn't realized how long he'd been gone. "Father!" Mikael clutched the black book beneath his arm and dashed up a flight of stairs.

    "Mikael?" Thesan appeared on the landing. His eyes were wide with fear and relief. "Where have you been?" Mikael reached his father and Thesan embraced him tightly. "We've been looking everywhere for you. What happened? Where did you go?"

    "I was..." Mikael panted for breath. "Under the Mountain. I went looking for Amarantha's archives. I... Where's Father?"

    "He's still out looking for you. I just told him you're home."

    Mikael drew back, knitting his brows. "What's wrong? I've done this before and you've never reacted like this."

    "Kallias wrote to me this morning. Wynter is missing. He thought you two might be together."

    Mikael shook his head, fear gripping his heart. "Wynter is gone?"

    Thesan stared at him, then ran his fingers through his hair. "Shit. I need to tell Kallias..."

    "You need to take me to the Night Court," Mikael protested. "I found something. Estelle has to see it."

    "We aren't going anywhere until Ameer gets back. He's been flying around the Court all day looking for you."

    "Did you tell Estelle that you couldn't find me?"

    "No. I was planning to just before you returned. We didn't want to worry her needlessly." Thesan shook his head with an exasperated sigh. "And you went to the Middle? Under the Mountain? How many times have we told you to stay away from that place?"

    Mikael lifted his chin. "I went because I had to. I was right to go." He held up the book he'd brought back. "I'm going to write to Helion and tell him where to find the archives so he can reclaim those books."

    "I'll tell Kallias that Wynter wasn't with you. You should tell Estelle that you're planning on coming to the Night Court. I'll let Rhysand know too." Thesan hugged him again briefly, then continued on down the stairs.

    Mikael sprinted up them, heading towards his room. He tossed the black book onto his bed. He reached his desk, then paused. A letter waited there, sealed with Wynter's personal crest. Mikael opened the letter swiftly and read.


It seems our research has finally paid off. I've found references in several books to an ancient High Fae, revered as a goddess by Mortals and Fae alike. She's a shapeshifter and a necromancer. Her name is Melantha. I'm coming to the Dawn Court and I'll bring all of the books that contain references to her.

But there's something else too. I've seen illustrations of her, and I know I've seen her before. I've seen her following me, even through the palace. I don't know how that's possible. I do know that we have to be careful. I'll be there as soon as I can.

~ Wynter

    Mikael stared at the letter, swallowing hard. Wyn never made it here, he thought. If that female, Melantha, has been following him, perhaps she's the reason why he's missing. The people in Estelle's dream...

    Mikael dropped the letter, gripping the edge of his desk. Estelle! He called down the Bond. Estelle, I found something. I'm coming to Velaris. She didn't reply. She didn't even pull on the Bond. Estelle, Wynter is missing. Who else was in your dream? Silence. Estelle!

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