4. Hours of Separation

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    Estelle dropped out of the shadows and caught herself with her wings, soaring over Velaris. She inhaled deeply, relishing the salt and lemon scent of the city. She caught sight of the Sidra, winding below her like a sapphire serpent. Rhys and Feyre's estate was just up ahead. She banked to the opposite side of the river, heading to her parents' townhouse.

    Estelle landed in the street beyond the gates of the grounds and passed through the perimeter wards. A heartbeat later, the front doors flew open and her mother raced down the marble steps. Estelle laughed as Seren pulled her into a tight embrace. Estelle's shadows flocked to Seren, and her father's shadows that accompanied her.

    "Are Dad and Lysander here?" Estelle asked, when Seren finally released her.

    Seren shook her dark head. "They're in Windhaven. Devlon needed Azriel's help with something, and Lys is with Nyx and Corbin, training Venelia and other novices." Seren wrapped an arm around her shoulders, guiding her up the steps. "Let's get you situated, Little Bat, before you run off to play Spymaster."

    Estelle grinned, hearing the familiar nickname. It was one her father's shadows had coined for her when she was a baby. The name stuck and nearly everyone in her family called her by it. Lysander had a similar one, Little Dragon. That was obviously a play on her mother's most notable title, the Illyrian Dragon.

    Seren Marzena was no Illyrian. She was High Fae, part of the reason why Estelle was only half Illyrian herself. Seren had earned her title thanks to the powerful fire magic she possessed, and the way Azriel's shadows were known to take the form of Illyrian wings on her back.

    Seren led the way through the house, her brutally scarred hand resting on a railing as they mounted a flight of steps. She pushed open the door to Estelle's old room. Estelle smiled, seeing how little the room had changed in the two years she'd lived in the Dawn Court.

    Her belongings were already there, courtesy of Mikael's magic. He couldn't winnow, but had recently learned a new skill that allowed him to transport inanimate objects from one place to another. Mikael was always researching things and learning new tricks, specifically magical ones.

    Recalling her mate, Estelle tugged on the shining Bond within her chest. I just arrived, she said. Mikael returned the gesture shortly, but didn't speak. He had his emotions shielded from her as well, which was unusual.

    Seren began going through bags and arranging Estelle's clothes in dressers and the closet. Estelle followed her lead, unpacking the box of books she'd brought along. "As if we don't have enough books here already," Seren chuckled.

    "I know." Estelle arranged them on a shelf. "But these are some of my favorites that I've recently acquired. You should read this one." She held up a crimson book, embossed with gold roses.

    "Sign of the Blood Rose," Seren said, reading the title aloud. "Interesting. Is it something I would approve of?"

    Estelle shrugged, placing it with the other books. "It's something Aunt Nesta would approve of. Celeste recommended it to me."

    "So no, but secretly yes," Seren laughed. "Maybe I'll take a look at it later." Estelle grinned and set to work on another bag. Presently, her mother asked, "Are you doing all right? Mikael wrote to me after you told us you were coming. He asked me to keep an eye on you, though he didn't say why."

    Estelle sighed and perched on the edge of her bed. "I've been having nightmares about Ze'ev for months now. They're so bad that I've hurt myself, and Mikael...without even realizing it. He talked to Thesan about it and Thesan is the one who suggested I come home and investigate everything again. He thinks that even if I don't learn anything new, the process itself could help me work through whatever subconscious fear I have that's giving me nightmares."

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