36. Reconciliation

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Estelle blinked her eyes open, unsure of when she'd fallen asleep. Her captivity had come with one small blessing. She no longer had nightmares. Instead, she dreamed of Mikael and her family. Somehow, those dreams were almost more painful than the things Ze'ev had shown her.

Estelle sat up stiffly, rubbing the spot on her neck where the ashwood collar pinched her skin. Her headache was even worse than before. It came and went regularly, but always worsened when she was hungry or thirsty. Right now, her mouth was incredibly dry.

She dragged the water bucket towards herself and drank a minuscule amount. The water was nearly gone, and it was doubtful they'd be brought more anytime soon. Estelle readjusted herself and rested a hand atop her stomach. A few of the shadows curled around her fingers. Pain clenched her heart and she longed to hear their voices. To hear Mikael's voice and feel him across the Bond.

A faint sob caught her attention. Estelle's gaze swept over her companions. Venelia was asleep beside Evren. The High Lady's features were twisted with discomfort, but judging by her even breaths, she was asleep as well. So were Elain and Cresseida. Estelle faced Wynter's corner.

He sat with his back pressed against the wall. His knees were drawn up to his bare chest, bracing his elbows as he clutched either side of his head. Tears dripped down his cheeks.

Estelle swallowed and bit her tongue, drawing a little more moisture into her mouth. "Wynter?" She called softly.

He stiffened at once, swiping a hand across his eyes. "Yes?" Wynter cleared his throat, but there was no mistaking the raw pain in his voice.

"Will you talk to me?" Estelle asked. She had no idea what they would talk about, but she would find something. Anything. Just so long as it distracted his mind from the horrible festering thoughts that she knew were the source of his tears.

He rose, body visibly trembling. Wynter crossed the chamber and sat down near Estelle. Not close enough for her to touch him, she noticed. "Is she all right?" He tipped his head towards Venelia.

"For now," Estelle replied. "Evren is doing what she can to help. She's the only one of us who's had a child, so I imagine she knows what she's doing."

"Still, her cough is getting worse." Wynter studied Venelia, his icy blue eyes reflecting concern. "Does she have a fever?"

Estelle gave a small nod. "Evren hasn't told her yet. She doesn't want Ven to worry. Worry will just add to the stress on her body."

"Causing more stress on the baby," Wynter sighed. "Maybe there's something I can do to convince Her that..."

"You've done enough," Estelle interrupted. "You've done..." She swallowed hard. "You've done enough."

Wynter held her gaze. "But I could do more. I... I could make a trade of some sort."

"No. Whatever She would ask in return is too high a price for any of us, especially you, to pay."

"Not if it saves their lives." His gaze fell to Venelia once more. His shoulders rose and fell as he inhaled deeply. "Her scent is changing."

"I've noticed." Estelle watched Venelia as she shivered in her sleep. She glanced at Wynter's bare arms. "Are you not cold?"

He didn't look at her. "I don't feel the cold like you do. The climate in the Winter Court is much colder than this."

"You still use fires to keep your homes warm."

"We do, and to provide warmth for our guests, but denizens of the Winter Court are able to endure colder temperatures far longer than most Fae or Mortals. To me, the temperature in this room feels how a cool spring morning would feel to you."

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