32. A Trap Easily Sprung

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Mikael spread several maps across the table and crossed his arms, studying them intently. His companions peered at the papers as well. Calden sat between Sienna and Estelle. Morai accompanied Sienna. The two of them blushed at each other more than they looked at the maps.

Celeste sat at Mikael's other side, next to Corbin and Nyx. Lysander was beside Nyx, keeping a healthy amount of space between himself and Celeste. The tension between Lysander, Celeste, and Calden was almost thick enough to cut. Mikael did his best to ignore it.

Nearly three weeks had passed since the meeting. Autumn was setting in across the Dawn Court. Mikael now spent his days trying to determine where Melantha was. His friends had been quick to offer their help when they learned what he was doing.

"What about Hybern?" Celeste asked. "There are lots of remote places there."

Lysander shook his head. "Dad sent spies to Hybern already. They haven't found any sign of Melantha. Not even a single undead corpse."

Mikael furrowed his brows. "Nyx, you still can't feel Venelia?" Nyx shook his head. "Has anyone checked if Eris can sense Evren?"

"He can't," Estelle answered. "Lucien was talking about it the last time I spoke to Elain."

"You already know that wherever they are is warded," Morai said, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "They likely don't have access to their magic, and the wards are strong if they're stifling Mating Bonds."

"Like the wards in the torture chamber," Corbin remarked.

"Yes." Morai knit her brows. "I flew to the spot you said the chamber was, but I didn't find it."

"What do you mean?" Nyx asked.

"It wasn't there. I couldn't see it. Not at first. When I flew closer though, I passed through another ward. A ward that hid it from sight."

"But we could see it just fine when we went after Estelle."

"Melantha must have reset the wards to hide it from view. What if she's doing the same to her hideout?" Mikael asked, catching on to Morai's train of thought. The female grinned with a nod. Sienna laced their fingers together, flashing her a proud smile.

"Maybe she is, but how does that help us?" Lysander asked.

"It narrows her hideout options." Mikael began sorting through the maps again. "Between performing Sanguis, controlling her corpses in Prythian, keeping different locations warded, and handling her prisoners, Melantha doesn't have a lot of time and power to waste. That means her hideout is likely a small area. An island of some sort. We can make a list of possible islands she's hiding on and send scouts to investigate them."

Nyx clenched his jaw with a sharp exhale. Lysander gripped his shoulder. "We'd better get started then. This is still going to take a long time," Nyx murmured. "Time Venelia doesn't have."

Mikael nodded just as the library door opened. The servant bowed low. "Elain Vanserra is here to see you, my Lady," she said to Estelle.

Estelle rose as the servant left. Mikael touched her arm gently. "Do you want me to come along?" She dipped her chin.

"We'll start listing the islands," Calden called as they headed out the door.

They made their way to their usual sitting room. Estelle gripped Mikael's arm, massaging her forehead with a grimace. "Are you all right?" He asked.

"Yes," she sighed. "I've just had a bad headache for the past few days. Lack of sleep is making it worse."

"You could go rest. We can talk to Elain later."

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