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Edited 4-5-15
Laura's POV

Ross and I laid on the beach as we watched Lauren and Gordy splash each other.

The doctor inside the little village told me important News that I want to tell Ross but I don't know how.

I look into his Hazel eyes. I lean in as he grabs the back of my neck for more leverage. I put my warm lips to his ear. I felt him shiver.

Laura- Your...

Lauren's POV

Gordy and I were splashing back and forth on the private beach as Laura and Ross make out.

I can't beileve they are just so cool with everything. Losing their baby while everyone around them is having babies.

Speaking of babies Gordy and I are having a baby, don't tell anyone but I'm pretty sure Ross and Laura; Riker and Vanessa are trying for babies too.

Riker and Ness already have a baby girl; Ryan.

Rydel and Ell have a baby; Royce

You can tell Laura is depressed by the fact that her baby died because of some slut Ross dated. Ross regrets ever letting Laura go.

Gordy is worrying about the things that happened to Ross will happen to us. Ross and Laura are 19 we are only 17 with a child on the way. What would my parents think? How will his parents react? What if I'm stuck here to give birth to this baby? What if something happens to Gordy?

All these what ifs... Everything in life has a what if... We just have to drive by them and not pay attention to the little distractions in life.

Lauren- Damn. You wrestled right?

Gordy- Yeah.... I still do wrestle. If we weren't stuck on this damn island I would be at practice.

Lauren- oh...

I look up at Laura and Ross. Ross jumped up and said something. Then he picked up Laura and spun her around and kissed her.

He was smiling so wide. They were both still without clothes on. Such weirdo's. I giggled to myself.

He held her waist in the air and just spun her around kissing her.

We ran up to them.

Ross POV

Laura leaned her warm, perfect lips against my ear.

Laura- your gonna be a daddy.

Ross- what?

Laura- when I was held here the checked me up and she came back saying I was pregnant. It's from the night on the beach.

Ross- oh my god! I'm gonna be a dad?!

Laura- yes!

I held her up and kissed her spinning her around.

Ross- I love you. I love you. I love you.

Laura- I love you too.

She broke down crying. And she put her arms around my neck as Gordy and Lauren stood there watching us.

Ross- I'm gonna be a dad.

Rydels POV

Ross, Laura, Lauren, and Gordy have been gone since early this morning. None of us have seen them but I'm honestly not sure if Laura would want to be around us with the whole baby crises.

That's when I see Riker and Vanessa holding hands while Vanessa holds Ryan's little body In her arms. I smile as they sit on the beach.

That's when I see two bodies in the distance. The one is being held by the waist by maybe a man as they kiss. Then there were two more people... You can tell none of them had clothes on. I wonder if that was the four of them. They just needed some bonding time to get used to eachother. I guess being naked was a given? Who knows.

Ross and Laura are one of the cutest couples. They are still really young though. They don't need children right away. They are only 19. Ell and I are 22 and Riker and Nessa are 23 of you understand what I am saying. They are too young but honestly so are we. None of us are married or anything.

For all we know we could be ruining our life's and setting them up for disaster. I don't wanna think that way but honestly just think about it. We are 19-23 and we all have at least 1 child and we have some on the way or we want more already.

It's still a little young and I'm not sure what my parents are gonna say. I always wanted to get married before I had kids, but that didn't happen. When I met Ellington 8 years ago. I thought he was the weirdest person ever. He was dating Kelly and during that relationship he kissed me... I felt so bad. They continued dating until we were 18 when ell and I went and did more than we should of what went from a kiss on the check to having no clothes on it wasn't good. That's when I realized I had a crush on Ellington Lee Ratliff. The only person was shor, Ross Shor Lynch. He told Riker and Riker almost killed Ellington if it wasn't for Rocky and I. It was a full out sibling war.

Then Ellington admitted feelings for me and Kelly and him broke up.

Vanessa's POV

Riker and I sat on the beach with Ryan in our hands. Being here isn't so bad when you are here with the people you love. It's honestly enjoyable to be away from your parents.

The constant nagging about sex and boys from my mom and dad gets to you after a while. I don't think the honestly trusted me at all the always found easily Laura was better than me.

Then when I met Riker again...


I was 16 and I was laying in my drive way as I "tanning" in a bikini waiting for the lynches to get home. I must have fell asleep because I don't remember her much after that. But when I woke up riker was sitting next to me and was watching me. I look down and I was a little burnt. Okay not a little burnt I looked like a freakin lobster.

That's when Laura can running out of there house crying. She looked at me and whisper to me...

Laura- Ross and I had sex...

And then she ran away still crying. Riker looked at me and that's when I started aggressively kissing him. He pushed me back. Protecting me.


I hope you guys liked it sorry for the wait! I am almost at 8k thank you so much. All of my books are excelling. Ily guys😘

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