Chapter 14

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Ross POV

They dragged me round all day well technically its not all days its only 1. We rode every water slide. We went surfing at this little pool. It was really cool. I got it right away and then Gill B eventually got it after about an hour. When we were walking by the teen area.

We saw Gordy and Lauren they were talking and joined us. I wonder why the aren't dating they are look great together. That met one year ago when we all went on a Vaca to Colorado. My parents were watching them so that the Maranos could pack to come here. They live with the Maranos.

There mom abuses them so Mrs. Marano took them in. Now that Mrs. Marano is in New York and is living there. Lauren and her siblings didn't want to go with her.

I am so glad I haven't bumped into Laura yet. Thank god. I just don't want to talk to her right now.

Laura's POV

I have had the best day with the little ones. I just love kids.

I really want to apologize to Ross but I can't. I think I was right. I apologized to all of the kids for my mouth, but if he thinks for a second that I am attending Dinner with all of the adults tonight I don't think so.

I will stay back and watch the kids with Lauren and Gordy. Gus won't be there because he's going on to hang out with Ryland and someone.

Ryland and Gus speaking of them I saw them walking with two girls one Rylands age and the other maybe Gus' age. Gus is twelve and Gordy is 14. I will be 19 soon and I am still single. Okay I'm not single because I'm with Ross, but I am not with him. If you get what I mean.

I can't deal with me always going back to him. He needs to come back to me, but this one is on me it was all my fault. Every last bit of it.

We are in line for this one with tubes.

"Okay so who's going with who?"

"I'm going with Ashton." Beauty says. He grabs her hand and kisses his cheek. Oh My God. How adorable. I wonder if Thats What Ross and I looked like when we were little.

The boat stops, and you hear a screeching sound.

Then the speakers come on, "We are going to be stuck here for a few hours. Until further notice. Keep to whatever you were doing and have a great time on Disney Dream Cruises."

"Okay. Gillian and I are going together."

"And I will go alone."

"I guess. Are you okay with that Laura?"

"Yeah, it's fine."

"Okay, Well we need to grab tubes."

I grab a one person tube and the littler boys grab two person tubes. How cute.

I can't believe my baby cousins have Boyfriends/Girlfriends before me. Before I know it they will have kids and I will be lonely with 12 cats.

Vanessa's POV

I have had the best day so far. That's saying a lot since I am 9 months pregnant.

We still need to discuss names for the baby.

We are sitting and tanning as in Me and Rydel. The guys are at the pool bar.

"Rydel, I still need names for the baby."

"Okay, let's think of some."

"How about Raya for a girl?"

"Yeah, or Ryan."

"Okay those are girls names. Now some boys names."


"I like Richard."

"I don't know um.... We could do... I really don't know. "

"How about Ryder?"

"I really like that one. How many are you having?"

"Only One I think. Maybe we should check that out. I am hoping one."

"Oh, well. you like bigger than just having one. you grew a lot faster than Laura did."

"Lets tell them we are going to the bathroom or something and go see how many I am having."

"Okay. Ellington, We are going to the bathroom." he nods and turns back to Riker.

"Why did you pick R names?"

"I wanted to stay with the R, because Riker liked it. I know for a fact that Ross and Laura wanted to use them too, so I thought Riker would want want to keep it that way."

"Oh, so when I have a baby I can just keep the pattern. Do you think Amanda and Rocky have been acting weird lately?"

"Why, do you ask?"

"Well, I haven't seen Amanda at all the past week."

"She did look a little bigger. Not in a bad way. She just looked different."

"Yeah, she was getting a little moody."

"I don't know Rydel. We should just stay out of it."

"Yeah, we really should."

"Okay, we're here."

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