Chapter 5

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Riker Pov

I drove three hours to see Laur, but when I get here I am being screamed at by my own brother over some girl.

She tore our family apart.

"Riker, Can I talk to you?" Ness asks.


We walk to the end of the hallway.

"Riker...." I cut her off by cuping her face and full on making out with her. She pushes me away and slaps me.

"You slept with my sister. Do not kiss me and stay away from my family." She says and stomps away. What have I done.

Lauras Pov

"Where am I?"

"The Hospital sweetie.' A Nice woman says.

"More importtantly, Who am I? and Who are you?"

"Your Laura, and I am Stormie. I am your bestfriends mom."

"I really wish I knew who you are. But stormie doesnt Ring a Bell."

"Kids shes awake." Six people walk in the room.

"LAURA! YOUR OKAY!" The girls yell.

"Who are you?"

"What is she talking about." A docter walks in.

"She has moemory loss. Most of you she will remember, but others her brain will not let her because of mistakes that happened. Like sexual activity or hurting her. For example if one of you dated and broke up with her she most likly will not want to remember you so the brain will say no whenever they are around her. Can I talk to Ms. Marano alone plaese?"

"Yes." They all say and exit the room.

"Ms. Marano, While you were in your short term coma, We found out that you are Pregnant."

"What?" I start crying. That's when a memory flows back me and Riker fighting and him leaving me after 'It'.

"You are free to go."


I get up and get dressed I walk out of the room.

I walk up to Riker. "You have no right to being here. I HATE YOU!" I yell. He stands up.


"I." I push him. "HATE." I push him again. "YOU."

"What?" he says. I push him harder and he falls on the ground.

"Don't act Dumb, Riker. You ruined my life. You got me pregnant at eighteen. I hate you so much. Stay away from me. And if I ever see you face again I swear to god I will kill you. I never want to see you again. Be with my sister I don't care. But if you hurt her in anyway I shall kill you." I slap him so hard he falls back and is holding his cheek. "That was for hitting me." I slap him again. "That was for my baby." I slap him again and even harder than the other two. "And that was for hurting my sister."

I see Vanessa grab her hand and pull her out off the hospital. She is balling her eyes out.

Ross POV

"Wow!" Ryland says.

"She is." Rocky starts.

"She is really Bad ass." I finish.

"Dude you really did deserve that." Ratliff says.

"Yeah son sorry but I have to agree with the boys on this one." That's when Rydel stands up.

"This is not the kind of brother I want you hurt my best friends. She may not remember me but you deserve every slap and push she gave you." Riker stands up with a welt on his cheek, "you hurt anyone else. I think Ross is my favorite now."

"Hey!" Rocky and Ryland say.

She slaps him and then shoves him so he falls back down, "If you hurt anyone I love again. I swear I will do much worse that slap you. go back to where ever you were and please this time don't come back for the better. Ratliff come on. Will you drive me over to the Maranos?"


"Can I come?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure."

I get up and Riker stretches his foot out to try and trip me. I step on his Leg until I hear him give a little ow.

Rydel gave him a welt on the other cheek.


Hope you liked the chapter.

Love ya😘 and night,

Emily lynch😘😍😜😎

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