Chapter 7

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Vanessas pov

"Your pregnant?!?!" I cut laura off.

"Yes I am! Okay I cant hide it I am like a month. Im so sorry." She starts breaking down. Ross rubs her back as she sobs. Wow pregnant women are really emotional.

"Hey guys lets go swimming and then stay here at the maranos."

"Yeah. Lets invite Ratliff and Ryland over too."

"Would that be okay, cutie?" Ross asks laura.

"Are you two a thing now?" I ask.

"Yeah." Then the door bell rings.

"I'll get it."She gets up and looks out the window and, "Its Riker." Ross and laurs start making out againest the wall.

"Kiss me." I tell Rocky.



I want to make Riker jealous in pain. We start to lean in. "Let him in." I yell. I kiss Rocky I felt some pretty intense sparks and flames. He licked my bottom lip and I accepted. He pulled me into his lap.

He tugs on my shirt pullimg it over my head.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?!" Riker screams. He start to cry. Me and Rocky pull away. I run over to Riker and rub his back then I stop he didn't do this for me.

"No riker. I cant keep doing this to me apoligizing for yiur mistakes I dont think so. Its always me saying sorry now my sister pregnant with your kid I can't live knowing my Niece or Neephew came from you and then get married to you."


"Dont play dumb you know you got her pregnant."

"I didn't and can I please talk yo you."

"One second. I'll meet you at your house."

"Rocky I'm sorry. I have a friend that would be perfect for you. Here." I write her number down."Her name is Amanda and she is Nineteen."

"It's okay. Thanks. i'm going to call her now. Can I go upstairs to one of the rooms?"


I grab my bathing suit, and head over to the lynches.

Rydel's pov

"You guys can stop kissing I really dont want to see wear this goes."

the door bell rings and Ryland and Ratliff come in.


The house in the picture is the Lynch house. Guys thanks so much for reading.

Love ya,

Emily Lynch

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