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Stormies POV

I was looking through Ross' things to see if he had any current pictures of Laura or Vanessa for me to put on Facebook for the missing documents. I found a box under ross' bed.

I opened the box slightly thinking 'Should I go through Ross' stuff'. I held it in my arms for fifteen to twenty minutes.

That's when I decided it's for the better that I do. I fully opened the box I smiled as I saw a picture frame that had been painted yellow and in black letters said 'I love you'. I smiled the picture was of Laura and Ross when they went to there 6th grade dance together.

There was news articles, they were when Laura got to do a speech for the governor, when she went to summer Broadway camp, band camp.

Then when R5 played their first contact, Ross winning his hockey tournament, placing first in the snowboarding comp, Ross at his first recital.

There was a peace of paper in the box and it said 'I will love you forever.' Then there was have a heart locket. It said be(st) frie(nds) his said be frie and it was on his old car key chain.

I smile. Then I see a bunch of letters none of them were opened... They were rubber banded together. They were all from Laura.... I was very tempted to open them but Ross might get mad...

I then stood up putting everything back and walked out of the room shutting the door. I walked to Rylands room to find pictures of savannah and did this to all of the others. But the thing that I did to Ross.

I stood In front of Rikers room. Something made me nervous to go into his room... I don't know what it's just wrong. He's 24 almost. I know I did it to the others but he's an adult who is old enough to move out.

I go through with it and walk into his room some of his ties were still on his floor with an extra suit case on his bed. It had baby clothes in it... Oh my gosh Ness was gonna have a baby.

I just don't understand why them? Why us? I have been getting lots of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr comments on what happened. I can't answer them its devastating.

Laura's mom (Ellen) POV

I haven't heard from Vanessa or Laura since our fight and then moving back to LA. I am planning on coming and visiting them in their new house next week September 28- November 30.

I am so excited to  see my girls again. It's honestly very different not seeing them everyday. Not seeing Laura at all. I never would've said this just a few years ago about how I now miss Laura. Laura had a very rough time when we moved to Ohio. She missed Ross. She had stayed in her room for weeks straight now eating. Then when she came out she had an entirely new wardrobe. Crop tops, high waisted booty shorts, heels. She started being home multiple guys at once. Then she would disappear for days upon months at a time leaving Vanessa or I with any form of communication.

That's when I decided she need to be on birth control. She started getting monthly shots of it and he hated me for it. But honestly do you blame me? She was going to parties every night, drinking and smoking.

As a mother it scared me for my daughters own sake. You guys are probably wondering why I let her go by herself to California. It's just if I said no she would've hated me and would've never let me see her. That's why I said yes. She needed to know that I trust her ever when she is being a little brat. She just doesn't know anything that she should...

Authers Note-

Hey guys so I'm gonna end this book within a few chapters... If you want a second book please leave a comment and if not please comment and tell me how I should end it. 

Tragic (comment here) 

Cute (Comment here) 


Into a second Book (comment here) 


Emmalee <3

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