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Ross Pov

I have this nudging feeling that Laura is keeping something from me. She won't look into my eyes and If I try to make a movie and get some last minute sex before the baby comes and she pushes me away and won't talk to me. I don't know what it is.

"Hey Baby." I say as I sit next to her down on the beach. I hear Gordy yelling. Huh I wonder what thats about.

"Hey..." She looks at me, "Ross, um we need to talk."

What? This has been going on for weeks and all of a sudden she just opens up. Have I been doing something wrong? Does she not want to be with me or does she not want us to raise our child together?

"Um don't overthink it please..." She whispers almost to the point where I couldn't hear her. I just nodded not wanting to yell or break down. "Ross, are we really ready to be parents, again?" My face must have looked hurt or something because she explained right away not giving me enough time to respond, "We are still young. I mean, like not even 21. We don't have to do this." I could feel myself getting a puzzeled look. She doesnt want our child? Our second chance... "I... I... I just... Promised I wouldn't. I already broke so many things. Have sex before marriage, and some more..."

"Laur... Are you afraid to have it on the island?"



I dont know it went by in a blur the next seven months. And it was very comfusing. Laura was depressed and thats not good on the baby. I... I couldn't do anything.

If I can near her she pushed me away. She wouldn't talk to me. And she got pretty big, pretty fast. It was a fast moving pregnancy. She wouldn't let me go to the doctors visits nothing. So afterwards me a Malena, the woman doctor who delivered Vanessas baby, and she would give me updates.

It was amazing. I got to see pictures, ultra sounds. You'd think that on this island there would be nothing like this. But they have lots of modern technology, especially in the hospital. Every man and/or woman in the entire Village knows how to deliver a baby, and treat a wound. They know how to use the equipment. Everything.


Three weeks Later

Ross Pov

All of a sudden over head we hear a helicopter. It was the most exciting and amazing thing ever. It gave us all the slightest bit of hope. The bit we all needed.

Something about this made life worth living. All of us ran out onto the beach and started waving our arms and jumping up and down.

Luckily they spotted us. After all there were like thirty of us on the beach. They circled around us within minutes the landed on the beach south of us.

Laura started crying and ran over to me hugging me.

The helicopter pilot called back up in to come pick us all up. I smiled, and for the first time in front of people I started crying. Hard. I was thankful to not be stranded on this island forever. I wasn't gonna have to raise my child on this island. I got to go back to my life and live it and thankfully marry my beautiful girlfriend, Laura. With a real wedding with ALL of my family.

I smiled. Thank god. I get to go home to my mom and I get to be with my mom. My beautiful mom. In an actual house. I get to see my friends and be me again. Where I can sing and interact with my fans. Everything. Thankfully I get to be able to do that again. It's an amazing feeling.

If you went through being on this island for around 6 months you would feel the same thing. We were strong. All of us.

Laura, has been able to get through losing a baby.

Riker, 'losing' and 'finding' his Wife and Babies.

Vanessa, Having her triplets.

My cousins, for being strong for all of us adults who are going through everything.

My siblings, finding relationships and dealing with me. Me being reckless. Me being horrible to the love of my life.

And Me, finding my best friend and love for me to one day marry. 


How about it guys. So next we are gonna have a lot of title drops. And then maybe 3 chapters and an epilogue up. Yes, I am very sorry to say I am ending this book, I feel so bad to do this to the people who are reading and hopefully enjoying, and I hate making you wait this long, but I needed time to think and I just think it's time for me to drop these books and I'm kind of out of R5 right now, I may come back to loving them, but I'm at a point of time where I love their music, but don't have anything to write about them. So I have to, sadly may I add, end this book.

I hope you understand,

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