Chapter 24

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Happy Thanksgiving!!! I am working on Christmas chapters so I might now update soon. I will probably write a chapter tomorrow or Sunday but it will come a little slower. Sorry.

Love ya my Ausally babes,
Ps I need to find a good name for you.

Ross POV

I was laying down and I was just watching Laura sleep. I got up and just walked down to the shoreline. I was done I wanted to go home. I wanted to not be anywhere near here. I wanted to perform again. But I can't because I'm going to die on this island and not have anyone know who I am. Yes, I shall die on this island. I was starting to think about it when two small arms wrap around my waist. I grab the hands and sigh. I feel lips on my bare back.

Laura- I love you.

Ross- I love you too.

I smile a little just thinking how far we have came in these last few days. I wonder how my mom is. My dad. My Aunt and Uncle. What are they thinking. Do they think we are all dead? I feel wet tears coming down my face.

Laura- Baby don't cry.

She comes around to my front and wipes my tears.

Laura- How about we go swimming. The waters clear and its a nice day.

Ross- Sure.

I smile. I never cry I guess just being on this island broke me.

Ross- why don't you take off that top?

Laura's POV

I giggle. Did he really just say that. He never ever cries and I just witnessed it.

Laura- as long as you take off you pants.

Ross- if take off your pants too.

What are you doing, Laura?!

Laura- okay. Once we get in.

This isn't me. Ross started to chuckle.

Ross- you scared.

He starts to take off his pants.

Laura- No, not until we get in...

I was cut off by him picking me up with no pants on.

Laura- Ross, Oh my god.

He had me over his shoulder so I had a perfect view of his butt. I poke him in the butt.

Ross- You like the view.

Laura- I'm just glad it's not your front.

Ross- I can make arrangements.

I laugh.

Laura- yeah.

I feel Ross' hand on my butt. He the pulls them down.

Ross- Nice ass.

Laura- You too.

I poke his butt and smile as he tenses. Then I see water up to his ankles. He sets me down. He starts kissing me. He was holding his pants and my pants.

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