Chapter 8

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Sorry it's short it's like 2 in the morning here, but happy belated birthday delly. hope you had a good one. She's gonna be 21. In my other story she is turning 19 so like I have to switch all the time and that's how Laura became pregnant in one of my other stories. I totally mix them up sometimes. If you guys ever do that please comment. (This was yesterday. I revised it today the 8/11)

Thanks and love ya😘,

Emily Lynch😘😍😜😎🙈🙉🙊

Laura POV

It's five months since the I'm pregnant thing. We found out last night Vanessa's prego too. I actually found good knews when we found out the baby is Ross'. I can't believe it. I cried I was so fricken happy.

Today's Dellys 21st birthday! we are all going on a cruise tonight.

Also some bad knews me and Ross were fired from the A&A cast. I am starting to show a little and have morning sickness. Who am I kidding I look fat.

Ross moved in with me since my mom moved back to Toledo. Riker moved in too with ness since he's the daddy. We pretty much are better.

There little cousins are coming too. It's a four month cruise so I have to pack a lot, but I can't pack to much because we are flying to Florida to go on a Bahamian cruise.

"Baby are you almost done we have to leave for the airport."

"Yeah I'm done. Can you help me?" I call to Ross. He's been really helpful lately.

He comes in kisses my cheek and grabs my bag. I grab my carry on and my purse.

"Lets hit it." I say and we go over to the lynches house and put our stuff in the van. Mini R5 is gonna meet us at the airport. None of our parents are going.

The six of them and the nine of us.

We get to the airport and Boston the oldest boy whispers something to Riker and Riker laughs and says in your dreams and Boston winks at my sister. Gordy is staring at me and so is gill B and gator. Huh.

Do I look fat or something?

I guess I was thinking aloud because Ross answered me, "I told you a million times you aren't fat."

"Was I thinking aloud?"

"Yes, it must be the hormones. Just like your belly turns me on."

We board our plane and I instantly fall asleep.

I wake up a few hours later by being poked in the stomach.

Gator was poking me, "What's up, dude?" I say.

"I'm bored you having anything to do?"

"You have a phone?" he pulls out and iPhone 5c wow I better phone than mine. I have an iPhone 5 I need to upgrade. I'm just waiting for the 6. "You wanna play on my laptop?"

"Sure, by the way how old are you?"

"I'm eighteen. How old are you?

"I'm eight. You sure you wouldn't rather date me? You do know Ross is gonna hurt you in some way."

What? "No I won't. Shes carrying my baby."

"Has she met your friends yet?"


"As in Maia, Bella, garret."

"She's met Garret."

"See you don't know his friends they are mean, and I mean like drinking, partying, then," he look around to see who listening and whispers, "doing 'it'." my eyes widen at what he says.

"You what?!?! ROSS SHOR LYNCH! YOU HAVE SEX WITH YOUR FRIENDS?!?!" I stand up. Everyone looks at me.

"I don't do it. You were my first I swear."

"I cant." I start to sob. I walk over to where Rydel was sitting. "Can you switch me?"

"Yeah baby." she says and gets up. I sit inbetween Gordy and Gus.

"Hey guys." I say with a fake smile. That's when I break I start sobbing.

"Laura, it will be okay." I hear Ryland say. Then he starts rubbing my back.

"I can't believe him." I turn and sob into his chest. Until we have to get off the plane. We all get off and I walk over to Vanessa with Ryland.

"Are you okay?"

"I wanna go home."

"Come on this cruise will calm you down."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Laur, are you okay." Riker asks.

"I'll be fine as soon as I don't have to see his face." I point to Ross who is surrounded by mini r5, Rydel, Rocky, Amanda, and Ratliff.

I fall to the ground in pain. Really I don't know if the cruise is a good idea because I could give birth during it.

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